Strawberry Tarts – Valentines Day Treat {recipe}

Can you believe that Valentines Day will be here officially in less than a month? It seems like we just celebrate Christmas. Actually I think we really did just celebrate Christmas. Where is the time heading? In less than 2…

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Madison Caribbean Adventures – Christmas in St. Vincent

I was born on January 24th in the year 2012, that means that I have a birthday coming up and I’m going to be 3. While there are no plans for a big birthday celebration this year there will of…

How to Keep Your Family Healthy During the Cold/Flu Season

It’s the cold and flu season and with the kids back in school there are the runny noses, sneezing, and it seems that when one child gets sick the entire household get sick soon after. We recently got the chance…

Madison Caribbean Adventures – Barbados

I decided that we’re going to do a mini series of my Caribbean trip. As many of you know, I recently took a trip to St. Vincent and the Grenadines. One of the places that I visited before heading to…

Old Fashioned Beef Stew

For the past couple of days we have been covered by a layer of snow and it seems like its not going anywhere. The roads have been a mess and while I’m accustomed to the snow I sure do miss…

Blog Update – What’s Been Going On

This is Madison’s mommy and I think I owe an explanation as to what’s been going on lately. As a few of you may know we took a trip to the Caribbean in the middle of December to visit my…

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