Benefits of Playing with Dolls

What are the benefits of playing with dolls? If you have kids, you know how beneficial play is to them. Playing is a great way for kids to express their creativity and imagination. For many kids, playing with dolls is…

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Lalaloopsy Crazy Hair Dolls

You may remember that last year we were honored to be considered for the Lalaloopsy Sew Important Person (SIP) program. This year we were once again included and we were once again honored to be included. This means that once…

Tips and Tricks for Going to Disney World with a Toddler

Disney World is a fantastic experience for children and adults alike. However, if you are heading to Disney soon with a toddler like we are, you are going to want to read up on some things that will make your…

Amazing Baked Ziti

It’s been a while since we shared a recipe with you. If you’re looking for something that is not only delicious but is also easy to make, then I suggest trying our amazing baked ziti. I have always enjoyed making…

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes with Friendly Rooster

You may recognize that song by singing it with your own children. If you don’t have children you may remember singing it when you were younger yourself. One thing that I love doing is being outdoors. Whether it’s Winter, Spring,…

How to Help Your Children Overcome Their Anxiety

Do you have children who are anxious about something specific? It’s perfectly normal for kids to have some anxiety, but when that anxiety starts to affect other areas of their life, it’s important to help them overcome it. Here are…

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