Kids and Exercise – Tips to Stay Healthy

As a parent, you want what’s best for your kids, especially when it comes to their health. The best way to keep your kids healthy is to encourage them to be active and move around. Although you wouldn’t want to…

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Fruit Roll-Up Fortune Cookies – Valentine Day Treat

I can’t believe that Valentine Day will be here soon in less than a month. With Valentines Day fast approaching I want to share with you another sweet Valentine Day treat that you will enjoy making with your little ones.…

Madison Caribbean Adventures – Talent Behind the Walls

My Caribbean Adventures series continue and we are still highlighting my trip to the beautiful island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. If you’ve read the others in this series then you may know that I spent the last two…

Cricket is My Game by Jason Cole

I did promise that today I was going to share not one but two books with you. While visiting the beautiful island of Barbados, on my last day there we also visited the airport souvenir shop. While I normally pick…

Learn to Give – A Child’s Life in Barbados

While on my trip to Barbados I was able to pick up a few souvenirs before leaving the country at the airport. A few of those souvenirs just happened to be books. Being a fan of books I was really…

Easy Valentine Day Card for Toddlers

Madison is going to be 3 very soon. Right now, at age 2, she is still considered a toddler, but as soon as age 3 kicks in, she’ll be considered a preschooler. While she is too young to have an…

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