I have been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by fellow blogger Flip Flops and What Nots. Say what!! What’s that?
What exactly is the Liebster Award?
Well, mommy and I did a bit of research because we were curious just like you are right now. We found out that the Liebster Award is given to up-and-coming bloggers (like mini-me) who have less than 300 followers. “Liebster” is also the German word for “favorite” so I guess that makes my blog one of the Favorite.
Thank you Flip Flops and What’s Nots!
Well in order for me to accept my nomination I have to do the following things.
- Link back to the blog that nominated me
- Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 300 followers
- Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator
- Share 11 random facts about myself
- Create 11 questions for my nominees, and
- Contact my nominees and let them know that I nominated them.
Here are the blogs that I have nominated. Drum roll, please!
Foodie In WV
Baby In Bloom
The Gypsy Wife
Kreative Creationz
Momma on Wheels
A Mom, A Wife and Me
Pink Candy and Stilettos
The Redder Side of Pink
Love to Laugh and Learn
Adventures of an Aspiring Super Woman
These are the questions that I now have to answer:
- Why did you start blogging? Mommy and I started blogging as a means to keep everyone up to date of what was going on in my life. The entire first year of my life was shared via Facebook pictures and now that I was older mommy wanted another way to do it.
- Where were you born and raised? I was born in Colorado on a military base called Ft. Carson. I haven’t finished growing up yet and being military we tend to move around quite a lot so who knows where I’ll end up next.
- Do you have any pets? If so what? I currently have two dogs, a Maltese and a Shih-Tzu, a Himalayan Kitten we call Kitty who is my best friend and 5 Goldfish.
- Any tattoos? If so, what and where? I’m still too young for tattoos and I’m not sure if I’ll ever have any. I still have a long way to go.
- Name one thing in life you wish you had never done? I do regret jumping off the bed. It landed me in the Emergency Room but luckily I didn’t get stitches, that would have been cruel, they ended up gluing my cut back together.
- What is one product you swear by and have been using for years? Well since I’m only 17 months old I haven’t been using any product for more than that but I can say that I swear by Boudreaux Diaper Butt Paste. I’ve been using it from day one and I have yet to have a diaper rash.
- What is a goal you currently have? My goal is to be bigger than my big brother so I can beat him up.
- Disney or Nickelodeon? This one is easy. We don’t do much TV since mommy doesn’t like it too much unless it’s Baby First TV but we do watch a few Disney shows. Mommy and I love watching Phineas and Ferb together.
- Favorite Vacation you have taken in your life thus far. I’ve been to the Caribbean island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and I loved it there. There’s nothing better than eating fresh mangoes picked directly from a tree.
- Name a singer or band you can’t stand. Mommy hates rap music and so do I, she especially doesn’t like Lil Wayne and neither do I.
- What is your opinion on Kim Kardashian and Kanye naming their child North so that the full name would be North West? Mommy and I laughed when we heard this but we have no opinion because they could have done worse. They could have named her Jet Blue.
Now here are 11 random facts about myself.
- I’m a toddler blogger.
- I’m only 17 months old
- I hate milk! Yes it’s true! I hate anything that tastes like cow’s milk
- Besides those pets I also have 2 big brothers and 1 big sister
- I consider myself to be Caribbean-American
- I started walking when I was 9 1/2 months old
- My mom is an active duty soldier serving in the US Army
- I LOVE being outdoors preferably without shoes
- I really love my Kitty, just like Elmira, I want to love her and squeeze her.. you get the picture
- I’d rather play with an empty box than the toys I get from my parents
- I love to read and I can still only say a few words. “No” and “Mine” are my favorite.
Now here are my questions for my nominees:
- Why did you start blogging?
- Where would you live if you could anywhere on Earth?
- Who is the most important person in your life?
- What is your favorite movie?
- What is your favorite book?
- What 3 words would you use to describe yourself?
- What would you say is a girls best friend?
- What can’t you leave the house without?
- Do you have any hidden talents?
- Who’s your favorite superhero?
- What super villain would you be?
Congratulations to you all!
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links!