Welcome to NYC – Almost Wordless Wednesday

Madison’s mommy here! Sometimes you need to take a break away from all the craziness that’s going on in your life. While our Almost Wordless Wednesday usually focus on Madison’s adventures, today I want to focus a little on mine. I just recently took a break away from everything that’s been happening and decided a quick trip back home to my hometown NYC was in order. While a lot of people tend to think of NY as the city that never sleeps, the city where anything that can happen will happen, almost like Murphy’s Law, I think of it as home.

Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn

I got to appreciate NY in a way that I’ve never seen it before. In the eyes of a tourist so to speak. Let me share a few of my photos with you! Most of these were taken from the passenger side of a car but you just gotta love New York City!

Yes that’s the Freedom Tower in the backdrop
My old neighborhood
NYC is going green
What NYC is famous for. Their Yellow Cabs on 42nd Street. 
42nd Street at night.
NYC’s Naked Cowboy
The famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem, NY
What is NY without a bit of graffiti?
After seeing these prices I will never complain about my prices anymore.  🙂

Being back home made me realize how much I miss the city and I will be back some time very soon!

Have you ever been to NYC and what did you most enjoy about it while you were there?

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