Worried about how you’ll keep your kids’ education on track while you’re traveling? These tips will help make homeschooling on the go a breeze.

If you’re a frequent traveler and have school-age children, like myself, chances are you’ve wondered how to homeschool your kids during your travels. We used to travel a lot when Madison was younger (I’m a big advocate of traveling with kids while they’re young), and I used to worry myself sick about her falling behind in her education. The photo you see above is of Madison doing her schoolwork in the hotel in Norway. Homeschooling while traveling is totally possible.
It’s a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With the right preparation and resources, homeschooling while traveling can open up opportunities for learning that traditional schools can’t offer, including real-world experiences, hands-on activities, and more. Here are some tips for making the most of homeschooling on the road.

Start planning ahead
Planning is an essential tip for homeschooling your kids during your travels. With careful preparation, you can ensure that your children’s education doesn’t suffer when you are away from home. Planning ahead will give you a clear picture of what needs to be done and how the curriculum should be adapted to fit in with your travel schedule. It also helps reduce any stress or confusion that may come up when trying to manage both travel and schoolwork simultaneously.
In addition, planning allows you to take advantage of educational opportunities while moving. For example, if you’re visiting historical sites, use them as teaching moments by helping your kids learn more about the places they see first-hand. Furthermore, you can use online resources to supplement your child’s learning while traveling and make the most of each educational experience.
Make use of educational resources
Educational resources can be a great tool for homeschooling your children while traveling. Through these resources, your kids can stay on top of their education, even if you’re away from home. The best part about these resources is that they provide the same quality education as traditional schooling, without having to go through a formal education system.
These days, many different types of educational resources are available online and offline. For example, books, podcasts, videos, interactive websites, and even apps can help with every aspect of education. Additionally, most of these educational materials are free or very low-cost, so you don’t have to worry about expensive textbooks or supplies.
The Montessori method is one of the most popular and successful homeschooling approaches that parents can use while traveling. This approach emphasizes hands-on learning, independence, and the exploration of the world as a classroom. When applied correctly, Montessori homeschooling allows children to learn at their own pace and fosters a deeper understanding of their surroundings. This method is particularly effective while traveling, as it encourages children to observe, ask questions, and learn from the diverse environments they encounter, making education a continuous, experiential process no matter where they are in the world.
Another benefit of using educational resources is that you can teach your kids more individually. You don’t have to worry about covering the same material as everyone else because, with educational resources, you can tailor the material to fit your child’s needs and interests. Furthermore, since these educational materials are usually self-paced, your kids always have the freedom to learn at their own speed, which is impossible in traditional schooling.
Set a schedule
Creating a schedule will provide a sense of routine, which can be especially beneficial if your family travels for longer periods. Knowing what activities need to be completed at certain times provides structure and stability in an unfamiliar situation. Additionally, it removes the stress of making decisions about what needs to be done next; parents can refer back to their daily plan and know exactly what needs to be done.
In addition to helping with planning and organization, setting a schedule can also help your children stay focused during their studies. Establishing specific study, play, and leisure times helps keep everyone accountable and prevents distractions. By keeping activities scheduled throughout the day, you’ll also be able to more easily track progress, allowing you to assess if additional time needs to be set aside for certain topics or lessons.
Make time for family activities
Making time for family activities is essential for homeschooling your children while traveling. It helps kids stay engaged and motivated while encouraging a positive attitude toward learning. It also allows families to bond and create memories together, even in the midst of a hectic travel schedule.
Family activities can involve anything from board games to interactive online activities that help to introduce different cultures and ideas. This activity encourages problem-solving skills, communication, creativity, and critical thinking—all important elements for successful homeschooling. Additionally, it provides an opportunity for you as parents/caregivers to teach values such as respect for one another, understanding other people’s beliefs and ways of life, acceptance of differences, and kindness.
Keep track of progress
Keeping track of your child’s progress while homeschooling them while traveling is essential to ensuring they get the educational benefits they need. Measuring their progress, identifying any areas that may require additional help, and ensuring that your courses are meeting their needs all contribute to ensuring your kids stay on track with their education. It also gives you a better sense of what is working for them and what isn’t, so you can adjust accordingly.
Furthermore, tracking progress helps parents have greater control over their children’s learning experience, which can make the entire process smoother and more enjoyable for everyone involved. With regular assessments, parents and children know exactly where they stand regarding academic success, allowing for productive conversations about progress and setting goals for the future.
In addition, tracking progress can help parents objectively review how well their homeschooling efforts are going, allowing them to make necessary adjustments in curriculum or instruction as needed.
In Conclusion
Homeschooling on the road doesn’t have to be difficult or overwhelming. By following these tips and being flexible, you can ensure that your family enjoys an enriching journey while also learning a lot along the way.