6 Fun Activities That Can Help Boost Your Child’s Confidence

Fun Activities That Can Help Boost Your Child's Confidence

Children experience waning self-confidence from time to time, just like adults. We can become over tolerant of childhood stress levels. It’s easy to forget how difficult childhood can be. The American Psychological Association reports that many parents can even identify stressors. Helping your children increase their confidence can create a strong foundation of resilience against stress.

Fortunately, there are ways to help boost your child’s confidence with fun activities. Caregivers should work to find activities with which their child has shown an interest. Choose activities fostering independence requiring minimal to no adult guidance to complete. Here are six fun activities that can help boost your child’s confidence.

Fun Activities That Can Help Boost Your Child's Confidence


Journals for kids allow children to practice writing that isn’t graded or assessed. Children can build their confidence and practice spelling and grammar in a pressure-free way. The more kids write, the more confident they’ll feel about written expression, and the better their writing will be.

Provide writing prompts by tossing topics in a jar and having your child pick one. Have them choose a current event of which to write their opinion. Writing journals should be free and creative without criticism. However, they may provide a catalyst for communication.

Parents can set up non-traditional journals as well. Adapt journals for children with reading and writing difficulties. Provide word magnets, journal prompts on computers or drawing journals. Drawing journals can also help children sketch out their goals. Younger children can use drawing to express themselves for pre-literacy aged children. Role play acting out what they are feeling is another option. Action figures and dolls are other helpful resources as well. Adults can take pictures of the scenes and add them to an online journal.


Push further than just drawing in journals. Create art. Displaying a child’s artwork on the wall or refrigerator is a major confidence-booster for kids. Allow them free expression so they can tap into their inner thoughts and feelings. Acknowledging the feelings they share is essential in building emotional regulation and confidence building.

One method for maintaining some organization of your child’s work is keeping an artwork journal. Artwork journals for kids help save space and allow children to change out their artwork. These are different from the drawing journals as they can include photos of 3D art projects like pottery, sewing, and paintings. 

Various art modalities can serve different needs, including sensory needs. Working with clay or playdough helps release tension and can support sensory integration. Crochet and other fiber arts help with focus and concentration. They also offer tactile input and stimulation. So let your child practice with paint, crayons, markers, or other art supplies. Grab a canvas from the craft store, and your child can create a piece of art for the home.

Fun Activities That Can Help Boost Your Child's Confidence


Routines and scheduled events help children build healthy habits. Chores are an excellent way to help children connect to family communities. It allows them to do their part. Having children perform tasks consistently promotes responsibility as well. 

Help boost your child’s confidence by starting with chores they are good at and enjoy doing. Remember, children learn house duties are not fun. Visit most preschools, and you’ll find children fighting over using the vacuum and cleaning rags. It’s all about enthusiasm. Model the fun in washing dishes, and children will follow.

Be conscientious about age and abilities. Some homes will allow young children to help cut veggies and stir ingredients for dinner. Other families may feel more comfortable with giving tasks like collecting garbage to throw and dusting or vacuuming. Sweeping is a relatively safe activity requiring minimal supervision. Don’t forget outside chores, including water the lawn, cutting the grass, and even collecting flowers for table settings.


Playing sports helps children exercise and live healthier lives. Playing games also allows children to learn how to work through frustration. Realizing that winning all the time is a bitter pill, but sports will enable children to learn how to find joy in the activity rather than just the win. 

Children who find fulfillment in playing sports also benefit from increased self-confidence. Give kids a journal to keep track of how much time they spend practicing. They can also note what they are practicing. 

Promote the importance of playing rather than winning. Provide children an opportunity to talk about the games. Be there in the moment to help them process loss and what they felt went well with each game.

Fun Activities That Can Help Boost Your Child's Confidence


Increasing speech fluency requires practice. Support your child’s self-confidence by modeling skills like speaking without hesitation. Perhaps your child is shy. Provide opportunities for children to talk in front of others. 

Children can work on literacy while expanding their speech skills. Older children can practice reading stories to younger siblings or tape themselves reading to send to their teachers. Add some theatrics to the mix by having them read scenes from their favorite movies.

If they’re not quite ready to speak in front of an audience, they can tape themselves and share it with others. Older children have worked on self-confidence through drama, playing instruments, and even starting Youtube channels. While the latter requires parental support, it also allows opportunities for independence to shine. 


Teach perseverance by helping your child create a bucket list. Collaborate with them and help them identify some important things they’d like to achieve. Let them go as big or as small as they are comfortable.

Provide children with books to scan for places they would like to travel to. Have them clip destinations or hobbies they’d like to try. Make sure you take the time to share your bucket list—items you have accomplished. 

Confidence comes from completing tasks. This activity helps teach children how to break something substantial down into small, achievable targets. It teaches how goals can give us hope and something to look forward to during darker times.

Fun Activities That Can Help Boost Your Child's Confidence

Confidence is a skill best learned young and nourished throughout a child’s life. Children learn best by practicing. Start by having children perform tasks they know and with which they find success. Highlight those skills. Give them various ways to be successful throughout their day, and you’ll see their confidence soar. 

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