Upcycled Grill FlowerBed – #PlantOutsideTheBox

Turn your old grill into something beautiful, such as a flowerbed!

upcycled grill flowerbed

I have always been attracted to beautiful flowers, and I’ve always enjoyed a good BBQ as well. You may have heard me say quite a few times that I have the blackest thumb in the world. I have been known to kill a cactus, but that doesn’t stop me from trying to make beautiful flowers grow. I love their beauty and I love their smell, and I think one day I’ll get it. Maybe just not today. However, when Wayfair suggested “Plant Outside the Box,” where you can turn any item into an unconventional planter, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.

Do you have an old grill laying around, one that you no longer use but have no idea what to do with it? It’s spring and officially planting season, so how about turning that grill into a flowerbed? Bring a spot of beauty into a rather drab area.

transform your deck

Earlier this year, we had an unconventional windstorm blow through Colorado Springs. We had winds of as much as 110 miles per hour that almost destroyed my deck. It broke my umbrella and tore the cover off my swing hammock. So now my deck is looking rather sad, as Madison likes to say.

As you can see from the photo above, we have taken down the umbrella, but the swing is still there until we can replace it. I, however, wanted to brighten up that corner until we do because I’m all about decorating for spring and summer. So I thought, why not use an old grill instead of just plain flower boxes or flower pots? It not only screams summer but combines two of the things I love.

upcycled grill flowerbed

This project was super easy but first you’re going to need some supplies.

Supplies needed:

Grill – I used the 18″ Covered Brazier Charcoal Grill by Marsh Allan that I got from Wayfair

Garden Potting Soil


Spray Paint of your choice

old grill


Step 1: If you decide to buy a grill you’re going to need to put it together. The Brazier Charcoal Grill by Marsh Allan was very easy to assemble. I actually did it all by myself in under 20 minutes. You can attach the cover but since this is going to be a flowerbed, I didn’t.

Step 2: Spray paint your grill in your desired color of choice. I originally wanted to get a pastel summery color but instead went with a bright ruby red. Red works well with all seasons, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. I decided to paint from top to bottom, including the legs. Let dry, then layer with another coat of paint.

turn grill into flowerbed

Step 3: Before I added my potting soil, I layered my grill with plastic. I live in Colorado which is so high in elevation that everything dries out really easily. In order to keep the moisture in, the plastic layer is essential. Once the plastic is laid, I then added my potting soil.

Step 4: Add your flowers to your soil and water. You’re all done! Can you believe how easy that was, and best of all you have now turned a spot that was dreary before, into something beautiful. That’s now the case with my deck.

grill flowerbed

My deck looks so much better than it did before, and our project didn’t take too long either. You can make this your summer project and bring some life into an old space. Be sure to check out Wayfair for all your home needs, and if you’re not interested in turning a grill into a flowerbed, you can always just get one and do what you do best—grill the summer away!

grill flowerbed

Here’s to a happy, fun-filled summer! 

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