Few things are as rewarding as reaching your target weight and reaping the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. Of course, your efforts may need to grow when you’re on vacation. There are just some places that make it extremely difficult to stick to healthy foods and control your portions when the food around you is so delicious. Holidays are also a time for celebration when it is difficult not to enjoy the festivities with a few glasses of champagne, which makes it even harder to keep fit and burn those extra calories off. Therefore, to help you enjoy your holiday or vacation without putting on the weight you worked so hard to keep off, here are some top tips to stay in shape.

Exercise Portion Control
You’re on vacation, so obviously you plan on indulging in some treats and can’t be too strict with yourself. However, it’s important to go about this wisely. There’s no reason why you can’t enjoy the spontaneity of the holidays and treat yourself to delicious snacks you don’t get to have often, but you must make sure not to overdo it. The best way to guarantee you enjoy your holiday without gaining weight is to exercise portion control. You can allow yourself to eat a certain amount of snacks a day and keep your portions small when spoiling yourself with holiday treats.
Stay Active
It’s important to stay active when on vacation since you will need to burn off the extra calories. If your travel plans include sightseeing and lots of walking around or you have planned for beach holidays that involve swimming and snorkeling, you won’t need to fit in any extra activity. However, if your holidays are rather sedentary, you need to find some ways to stay active if you don’t plan on going to a gym during your time away from home – a ten-minute walk a day can actually do you a world of good.
Get a Fitness Tracker App
A great way to make sure you stay active without having to go to a gym on your holiday is to get a fitness tracker app. The professional trainers and nutritionists at Spartan Apps explain that fitness trackers are apps that can be installed on your smartphone. These apps not only help you keep track of your physical activity but they do all the legwork for you when it comes to monitoring your eating habits, counting calories, and making sure you’re eating nutritious meals on your vacation. This way you get to indulge in your treats and have an app helping you keep off any holiday weight.
Eat Plenty of Fiber and Non-Starchy Vegetables
Since you will be indulging in some baked goods during the holidays, it’s important to include at least 2 healthy meals in your holiday diet. The best way to ensure you aren’t overdoing it with the treats is to make sure that, during your healthy meals, you are eating plenty of fiber and non-starchy veggies. This will fill you up so you aren’t tempted to fill up on snacks and gain more weight than necessary. If your healthy portions are too small, you will feel deprived and you will end up filling up on unhealthy treats to satiate your hunger.
Set Drinking Limits
Understandably, you may be indulging in alcoholic beverages during your vacation. It will be quite difficult to steer clear of the celebratory drink during the summer holidays or Christmas and you don’t have to restrict yourself entirely. All you need to do is set some practical limits to stay healthy and avoid the excess weight caused by drinking. Sticking to one or two glasses a night should suffice on your holiday, just don’t keep up the habit once you’re back home. Note that you must stay hydrated if you are drinking alcohol, so maintain a healthy daily water intake.

Whether you’re on holiday at home and are spoiled e with your mother’s homemade cooking or you’re traveling to an exotic country and are eager to indulge in the eclectic cuisine, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t allow yourself to indulge. After all, starving or depriving yourself of what everyone around you gets to do is only going to put a damper on your mood. Therefore, all you need are the above tips to help you exercise control so that you can enjoy all the benefits of being on holiday within reason. This way, you don’t erase all the hard work you’ve put into your health and body yet you still get to enjoy your vacation and practice self-discipline in a way that will feel good.