Here’s the honest truth about me – I hate working out! I have a free lifetime membership to all military gyms and there’s even a treadmill in my home. My husband owns a weight bench and there’s a myriad of weights that can be used. However, until recently, working out has not been on my mind because of how I tend to feel after an intense workout, and the time it takes to recover.

Lately, getting back into shape has been on my mind more frequently than it has ever been. After a visit to my doctor, the dreadful news is that I’m overweight and it’s affecting my health. Back pain has always been an issue for me, and once again, my physical therapist recommended that I recommence yoga as it’s not as intense or stressful. Every once in a while I may make it to the gym for a high intensity workout and cardio, but not as often as I would like to. Nonetheless, after an energetic workout at the gym, my body generally feels as though it’s been through the wringer. So how do you recover after an intense workout? I want to share these four ways that I get it done.

1. Massage
Massages not only feel great and aid in relaxation, but they assist in working out the kinks and knots while improving your circulation. I generally have my husband massage my back after a workout, but once a month I get a deep tissue massage which really helps my muscles.
2. Stretch
Stretching after a workout should always be part of your routine. Just as you stretch before your workout, stretching after a workout is beneficial. It’s also a quick and easy way to help your body recover, it can help those sore muscles and can even help reduce your risk for injury.

3. Replace Fluids and Eat Recovery Foods
You generally deplete your energy and lose quite a bit of fluid when you workout due to sweating. Replacing those fluids such as with electrolytes or preferably water is a great way to help your body recover. Eating foods high in protein within an hour of working out can help to repair tissues and get you ready for your next workout challenge.
4. PROcure Epsom Salt Rub
I used to love soaking in the tub in Epsom Salts, something that my parents taught me years ago. We always kept Epsom Salts on hand for sore and aching muscles, but using PROcure Epsom Salt Rub is so much easier. I get the same relief without actually getting into the tub.

What I love about the PROcure brand is that they don’t contain any ingredients that leave me scratching my head. They have no harsh chemicals and the PROcure Epsom Salt Rub actually contains Aloe Vera which is an ingredient that I have personally used for years while living in the Caribbean. The PROcure products that I have personally used have all worked extremely well and FAST! If you suffer from sore muscles and you’re looking for fast relief, consider using the PROcure Epsom Salt Rub.
PROcure Epsom Salt Rub is available for purchase at Walmart, Amazon, Walgreens and Rite Aid, and to get you started here’s a PROcure product coupon just for you!