Five Reasons to Visit Luxembourg

Before I got the opportunity to visit Luxembourg, I’ll admit – I knew virtually nothing about the country. I knew it was small and located in Europe, but as I started to research my trip to Luxembourg, I was astonished…

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What To Know Before Visiting Luxembourg

Before starting to research potential European vacation destinations, there’s a good chance you had never even heard of Luxembourg. Despite being one of the smallest countries in Europe, Luxembourg has a lot to offer the average traveler and definitely shouldn’t…

How to Get A More Authentic Traveling Experience

Traveling is one of those life experiences that genuinely enriches you, more than just about anything else that your money could buy. Expensive furniture will only be in your home for so long, but the experiences and memories that you…

My 10 International Travel Essentials ~ #TravelTuesday

“What do you pack when you’re traveling internationally?” “What do you need to take with you when you travel internationally?” And “What do you need to have when you travel internationally?” These are all questions that I’ve received often enough…

How To Choose A Mortgage Company For Your First Home

Making the move from renting to homeownership is an incredibly exciting step to take, but it can be a bit scary, too. Buying a home is a serious expense and a huge commitment – and if you live in an…

Big Ideas for a Small Bathroom

Sometimes, we simply can’t have the size of bathroom we want. Since expanding is usually out of the question because of the lack of room, there is still something you can do. These big ideas for a small bathroom will…

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