It’s Wednesday! The day that we usually showcase our Almost Wordless Wednesday post but today I want to showcase something totally different.

I was once again nominated for another award. Yes me Madison once again! This time I was nominated by Kristen of The Road to Domestication. I actually got nominated in the month of July but mommy and I have been so very busy that it got placed on the backburner.
Now if you’ve never read Kristen’s blog you need to head over there right now and read her fabulous blog. She has these amazing recipes that you will surely want to make right away and there’s always a tip about housekeeping and even some really cool free printables. Did I mention they’re free! Go check out The Road to Domestication, I’ll be right here waiting for you when you get back.
Now here are the rules for accepting this nomination:
- Include award logo in a post or on your blog. – check
- Link to the person who nominated you. – check
- Answer 10 questions about yourself. Luckily there were no questions but feel free to ask your question in the comments. I’ll be sure to answer them just for you.
- Nominate 10 of my favorite bloggers to receive the award! Link my nominees to the post and comment on their blogs letting them know they’ve been nominated!
So without further ado, here goes:
Tamara Camera Blog – I love Tamara and I’m so going to marry her son Des. She has the most awesome photographs and I can’t wait for her to photograph me. Not only are her photos beautiful but she writes the most eloquent blog posts and you don’t ever want to leave. You have to check her out!!
Homemaking With Style – Brittnei might be a new blogger but she knows how to connect with her readers and if its one thing you want to do it’s connect.
Foodie in WV – If you like to cook then you’re going to love her blog. With some of the most delicious recipes I’ve seen all with some beautiful photos to match. Mommy and I love Ann!
Railroad Mama – Becky’s DIY toys had me going back to her page. Mommy is not creative at all and this was so easy to do that it made mommy look like a genius which she is totally not. (Don’t tell her I said that!)
From the Burbs to the Boonies Stephanie moved from a big town to a small town of less than 1k persons. Now we totally understand Stephanie because we moved from the City to the Burbs. Her posts with her son Brady are also a must read!
My Journey With Candida – Terri makes working out look like a breeze and mommy is so jealous. Read her amazing reviews all told with charm.
Diz Mommy – You’ll fall in love with Dylan just like mommy and I have. Read all about her life with her baby boy and husband.
Masshole Mommy – If you’re looking for crafts for your little ones look no further! You’ll find more than crafts since there’s always something exciting happening on Masshole Mommy.
My Tales With Two – Read all about her life with her boy/girl twins. I sometimes wish I was a twin but mommy says she’s happy that I’m not.
The Deliberate Mom – We love reading her posts and if you haven’t read her latest you’ve got to! Nelson Mandela actually helps her out in the kitchen. We want his help too, especially since mommy isn’t that great of a cook.
Our Neck of the Woods – Another one of our new faves. If you’ve always wanted to live on a farm or something close to it then you will want to check out this blog. It was my first time seeing chickens up close and personal and I love them. I want to visit her home one day!
We were limited to 10 but mommy and I added an extra one. After all they were really bad rules!!
Now I hope you all had a great Wednesday!