Apple Cider Sweet Tea ~ #OrganicStevia #InTheRaw

It’s fall here in Colorado and the surrounding states. The leaves have changed colors and the air is crisp and clean. Fall has always been one of my favorite seasons. When I think fall, I think apple cider, but I…

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Quick & Easy: Honey Garlic Shrimp Noodles ~ #NoYolks #NoOtherNoodle

These past few weeks I’ve been feeling rather blah! I’ve disconnected from social media and taking it easy on the home front. Its days like these that usually have me in the kitchen preparing meals for the family. With boys…

French Bread Ham Breakfast Boat ~ #BreakfastPower

Our delicious french bread breakfast boat, complete with ham, eggs, cheese and veggies, doesn’t take a long time to make, is delicious and will help you start your day off right. I’m not going to beat a broken horse, but…

Make This Delicious Pumpkin Pecan Cobbler for Fall

​Are you ready for fall? I know I am, and if you aren’t, then this pumpkin pecan cobbler will be sure to get you ready. I have to admit that fall is by far my favorite season, and I say,…

3 Reasons to Not Skip Breakfast & 1 Minute Veggie Egg Breakfast Bowl ~ #IncredibleBecause

Breakfast: the most important meal of the day. However, when you’re running low on time it can be easy to say that you’re skipping it. With just one minute, I share how easy it is to have breakfast with a…

Fruits You Should Buy In September & A Cantaloupe Strawberry Pop ~ #TastesLikeBetter

It’s September and the kids are back in school. Aren’t you happy? I know I am! There is much reason to celebrate, with the kids back in school and the weather getting cooler. Today I’m celebrating with a Cantaloupe and…

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