College Series: The Drive to Orientation & Meeting the Roommate – #BeThereMoments

Welcome to my College Series. As you know the kids are now out of high school and most of them are heading into college. Whether you are ready or not, your child is now an adult ready to head off…

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7 Hard Money Lessons Your College Student Needs to Know

The end of one school year is ending and for most high schoolers, college is right on the horizon. College applications have gone out and acceptance letters will be arriving in the mail. I remember when my daughter started college…

Ways to Help Your Child Improve Their Grades

This is the fourth and final installment of our Spring Break series posts. If you’ve missed the other three, let me give you a refresher. We started off by sharing Questions You Should Be Asking Your Child’s Teacher, we then followed…

Homework Success Tips

Welcome to part 3 of my Spring Break series. If you’ve missed out on the other two parts, you can check them out here. Questions You Should be Asking Your Child’s Teacher and Parent-Teacher Conference Tips. Today I want to…

Parent Teacher Conference Tips

This is part 2 of our Spring Break series. On Sunday we learned of the Questions That You Should Be Asking Your Child’s Teacher. Well, where is the best place to ask those questions, but at a parent-teacher conference.  Parent-teacher…

Questions You Should Be Asking Your Child’s Teacher

The kids are on spring break, but learning never ends in my household. I’ll be doing a 4-part series, with this being my first post. Be sure to follow along every other day for the other 3 parts. Your child’s…

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