College Series: Credit Score Tips for College Students

Encouraging responsible credit practices is absolutely critical for any student, especially one who is in need of his or her first credit card. Since every student’s goal should be to depart college with a degree, a good credit score, and…

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3 Reasons You Might Need a Tutor

My kids are all back in school, and I’m sure so are yours. Whether you homeschool or not, it’s just that time of the year. I’m going to be honest with you. I graduated from college over 20 years ago.…

How to Prepare for School Pictures ft Malt-O-Meal® – #RealValueRealDelicious

Every year, it seems as if school pictures sneak up on you. Right as you’re about to load the kids on the bus, you realize that it’s the day that their faces will forever be memorialized in their school yearbook.…

How to Survive Freshman Year in High School

Heading from middle school to high school can seem somewhat intimidating to the average teenager. No more will you be in the safety of those peers you grew up with as you head off to the larger high school that…

Why STEM Learning is Important to Me – #StartWithScience

Can you believe that my kids have been back in school for 2 weeks already? It seem like just yesterday they were out for the summer. While I love summer, and I love the summer vacation, I do love when…

College Series: How to Survive Freshman Year at College

The first thing to remember as you transition from high school to college is that you have lost your status from high school. If you were in with the popular crowd and at the top of your class, it no…

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