The first thing to remember as you transition from high school to college is that you have lost your status from high school. If you were in with the popular crowd and at the top of your class, it no longer applies as you start your freshman year of college. The first year of college is really about starting over and redefining who you are as a young adult. There will be major changes that occur in this first year, both as an individual and groups of friends you flock to. Today I am going to share some tips on how to survive freshman year at college to ensure you don’t get caught up in thinking that the high school mentality of the last four years will bear any weight on your current lifestyle.

Get to Know Your Classmates
Forget the long-term bond you have with those high school friends, while some will maintain a long-distance friendship with you, it’s time to start bonding with new people who will be with you the next years at college. Work to mingle and socialize with those who will be in your resident hall as well as your dorm roommate. If you can find some college mates before classes start, go for it! Make it a point to contact other college students and then set a date to gather as a get to know session. This will help ease the transition from living at home to living in a dorm room.
Know What You Need For Supplies
No more are the days of having a teacher tell you what to get for supplies and hold your hand to guide you along the way. Freshman year at college brings along a higher level of responsibility. This means you have to be in tip top shape of knowing what you need to have for supplies this first year at college. Research your classes and find out what items will assist you to remain organized and be fully prepared for each course you have assigned to you.

Avoid Temptations
This freshman year at college is essentially your first year of being an adult, out on your own with the trust to make good decisions. You made the right decision to further your education by attending college; don’t ruin it by falling into temptations. Sure it will be tempting to go out all night long and then sleep in a little because missing that first class won’t hurt you. The reality is that’s a habit you won’t want to get into. Make sure to avoid temptations that will come along during your freshman year of college. Try to maintain a level of pride that you continue living with the good morals your parents raised you to have.
Create a Balance
Freshman year at college will be super excited as it brings on new social settings for you. Not only are you learning new skills associated with the trade you wish to have a career in, but you will also be faced with new social gatherings. Learn to balance a social life, volunteer life, and college course life together. Be sure to have a balance that works to inspire you to be the adult you desire to be while maintaining the social life that every human being needs.