Victoria Falls City is located in Zambezi National Park, Zimbabwe. The city hosts the Falls known as ‘The Smoke That Thunders’ because of the roaring echoes of the waterfall. The Falls are located on the Zambezi River and boast the largest single curtain of falling water in the world.
This jaw-dropping water body is pegged to be twice the height of the Niagara Falls. Not only do you enjoy this gem that can be felt through the vibrating windows of buildings, but there are also so many activities to enjoy. Here are six tips to make the most of Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.

As soon as you disembark the plane, you will be surrounded by wild-life. Seeing that the whole space is a National Park, the animals rightly explore their habitat. The ones that are easily spotted during the day are baboons, warthogs, peacocks, and impalas. Although these animals can be in close vicinity, keep in mind, they are still wild animals. Keep your distance while you take your photographs.
When the sun sets, the elephants, leopards, lions, and buffalos begin to roam the streets. These animals are more unpredictable and less tame. There is a general unspoken agreement between them and people. Once the clock strikes at 10 pm, they take over the streets. It’s advised that you retreat to your accommodation by that time. When the sun rises, they retreat into the wild and let you get back to your adventures. The respect between animals and humans is one of the things that make Victoria Falls such a gem!
You will need to walk in the rainforest for you to enjoy the Falls from different angles. The water body of the Falls is so dense that you will get wet as you walk. You can bring along an umbrella or a raincoat if you wish. But by the time you complete the rainforest path, you will be dry. The Victoria Falls sun is such that you won’t appear as if you ever got wet, to begin with.
To enjoy the rainforest hike, you should wear flat shoes, bring sunscreen, a water bottle, and rain attire if you don’t wish to get wet.

The adrenalin activities you can do over the Zambezi River are several. From bungee jumping, zip-lining, water rafting, and gorge swimming, Victoria Falls is the place to experience real adrenaline. You will connect with nature as you drop and get caught by the river. All the while, the roaring falls will cheer you on. Ask Will Smith; he will testify to that!
A handful of the majestic animals are trained to show you around the wild. You can experience walking with the elephants and lions together with the National Parks Safari guides. You can feed the animals, cuddle them, and appreciate them for letting you into their home. This truly is a one-of-a kind type of hiking experience. Make sure to dress comfortably, as the African sun can be a fireball.

Dining in the Victoria Falls is a colorful and musical experience. You will be entertained by cultural dancers performing different pieces for you as you enjoy fine cuisine. The aroma of smoked game meat, barbequed vegetables, and beverages infused with natural herbs will have you looking forward to spoiling your palate.
One of the popular dish combinations is smoked deer, fried crocodile tail, stewed oxtail, and pounded maize meal corn. Once you have finished dining, you can join the cultural dancers on the floor and bang the African drums with them.
You will definitely need to take a part of Victoria Falls with you when you head back. The local community takes pride in making recycled jewelry. Earrings, necklaces, wrist bands, and rings are made from materials such as ivory, copper, tin, and tree bark. The curios represent the nature you would have connected with, and the life-like art makes you feel as if you are taking the wild with you.

Victoria Falls is definitely a unique space where animals and humans have established relationships. They understand that you have come to enjoy their space by soaking up the Falls, its activities, cultural art, and food. The animals also appreciate that they too have their time where they need to roam their space. This understanding means there are hardly any cases of human-animal conflict. Make sure you go enjoy the African Sun and Majestic Falls – a truly natural experience.