The fantastic bouquet of flowers that you see above is Teleflora’s Luxurious Lavender bouquet that is part of their Mother’s Day selection for 2016. This post is a rather emotional post for me, and I am tearing up as I type away at my computer’s keyboard. It is my very first mother’s day without my mother, and just like most children, I thought that my mother would have been around forever. While I knew that it wasn’t realistic, I did hope that my mother would be about much longer. My mother was what you would call a housewife back in those days. She took care of the home and made sure that all 3 of her children were taken care of.
She helped with homework, made sure that we had our meals, all 3 of them (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), we had a roof over our head and clean clothes to wear, she did it all. How she made it all happen, I have no idea, but I do wish that I was half the woman she was. I try my best, but I have to admit that I am still not quite there. I was very close to my mother, and we spoke daily, except for the day that she passed away, and I will always regret not picking up the phone earlier that day, instead of saying, “I’ll give her a call later”. We don’t know how long our parents, in this case, with it being mother’s day, how long our mother’s will be there. One day they’re fine, and the next day they’re gone. Don’t take mother’s for granted and wait until Mother’s Day to make that phone call or send that bouquet of flowers or even say “I love you”.
Being a mother is no small feat, whether you’re a single mom or have a partner to help you. We wipe the tears away, kiss the boo-boos, and a mother’s love knows no bounds. A mother’s job is never complete, and even when the kids are grown up and have moved away, we still worry, because that’s what mothers do. Our job is tough, but it is also fulfilling, and I wouldn’t change being a mother for anything in the world.
This Mother’s Day, Teleflora would like to honor all Moms with flowers because they realize that a mother’s work is never done, we work 24hours a day, 7 days a week on a job that’s incredibly rewarding but also tough. To celebrate, they have designed these gorgeous Mother’s Day bouquets, which are professionally-arranged and hand-delivered by a local florist with love and care to capture the hearts and appreciation of every mother, grandmother, aunt, sister or friend. Here are just a few of my favorites.
Teleflora’sLove and Joy Bouquet
This is the perfect gift to celebrate mom and tickle her pink! Just look at that elegant bouquet brimming with some of springtime’s most beautiful colors. Featuring hot pink roses, miniature pink carnations, huckleberry, lavender stems, and lavender chrysanthemums all nestled within a gorgeous blooming flower and hummingbird vase. This is the ultimate symbol to show mom your appreciation and love.
Teleflora’sLuxurious Lavender Bouquet
This is the one that I received, and the photo online doesn’t do it any justice at all. What you receive is even more beautiful than what is shown. Just look at my own photos! You would certainly “WOW” your mom with this stunning bouquet that truly exudes classic elegance; dazzles and delights with fresh blooms full of luscious dark pink roses and fragrant lilies within a glorious sculpted lavender glass vase.
Teleflora’sGarden Pitcher Bouquet
If you have a mom that loves gardening, then the Garden Pitcher Bouquet would make the perfect gift for her. Honor her timeless devotion with this charming 2-in-1 gift she will love and cherish for years to come. Filled with a luxurious mix of vibrant lavender roses and chrysanthemums, fragrant white lilies, and eucalyptus, this gorgeous bouquet is hand-delivered in a tall, rustic Provencal-style water pitcher (FDA-approved and food safe) that is perfect for mom’s springtime entertaining.
Teleflora’sButterfly Sunrise Bouquet
Do you have a mom that just loves her cup of joe in the morning? Then the Butterfly Sunrise Bouquet may just be the one she would appreciate the most. Playful and sweet, just like mom, this brilliant bouquet of peach roses, yellow alstroemeria, and lavender chrysanthemums will make every mom’s heart flutter with happiness. This 2-in-1 gift also serves as a darling oversized keepsake mug (FDA-approved and food safe) adorned with dancing watercolor-hued butterflies for long-lasting enjoyment.
Teleflora’sPainted Blossoms Bouquet
And finally the Painted Blossoms Bouquet. Surprise sisters, daughters, and new moms by showering her with a bright, joyful floral bouquet bursting with a lovely medley of orange roses, yellow alstroemeria, and brilliant pink carnations. This arrives professionally-arranged in this delicate pink ceramic cube vase with painted blossoms complement the fresh blooms of spring!
This Mother’s Day show your mother that you love her with a beautifully arranged bouquet of flowers from Teleflora. Let’s Make it Mother’s Day – EVERY DAY!
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Let’s discuss: How do you celebrate your mother on Mother’s Day?
Teleflora would love for one of you to win a beautiful bouquet to honor your mother. Your bouquet is sponsored and will be delivered by Teleflora. The winner will have 48hrs to respond to the winning email. Failure to do so will mean forfeiting your prize, and a new winner will be chosen. Good luck!