Prepare your kids for playing outdoors this summer, but please don’t forget the Budget Saver Twin Pops.

I remember, as a young mother with my first two children, Kristal and Kyle, in the heart of the South Bronx. Things weren’t always as peachy as they are now. I had a job, but not a job that paid enough to have all the things I wanted, but enough for our needs. While I knew that I could always call and ask for help from my parents, it wasn’t something that I wanted to do. I was a grown up, and grown ups do what they need to do for their children. However, when you’re a child, you want a summer that’s filled with fun.
I remember going into the supermarket and picking up Budget Saver Twin Pops, not only because they were inexpensive, but because they were twin pops, meaning there were 2 of them, and with both kids, they got to share. It was a win-win for me and for them. It’s been over 20 years, and even though I can now afford their needs AND wants, one thing has remained constant. Especially during the summer months, our refrigerator always contains Budget Saver Twin Pops. Back then, I had no idea that the famous Twin Pop was invented during the great depression so that two children could split one for a nickel. I just knew that both my kids could split them, and with their array of flavors, the hardest part was picking their favorite flavor OR color.

Summer is practically here, well, at least here in Colorado Springs. That means there will be lots of time to play outside. Whether you decide to go to the neighborhood park or have a family day at the beach, there will be lots of time spent under the sun. With that in mind, you want your kids to be protected, but don’t forget to keep it fun. Fun also includes a sweet treat as well. Our summer fun will be spent riding bikes, visiting amusement parks, and enjoying our beautiful state, all with Budget Saver Twin Pops. I intend to recreate memories spent in New York City with Madison, just as I did with my older kids, and Budget Saver Twin Pops will be involved, to make every situation a sweet MOMent.

With that in mind, I have some tips to help you prepare your kids for outdoor play this summer!
1. Opt for water instead of juice
The risks of dehydration are at an all-time high during this season, thus packing a variety of liquids is a given when taking your family outdoors, even if it’s just the playground. Your kids may love the flavor of soda, but the caffeine will prevent them from retaining the fluids. Juices aren’t necessarily a better alternative in terms of keeping your children cool and hydrated, and power drinks (which should only be consumed by older kids) have very few advantages over water. H2O is still your best bet, though if your kids tend to complain about the taste, you can also use fruit to add a bit of a kick to water. Think berries or freshly squeezed juice from a lemon or orange.
2. Pack sprays and wipes instead of lotion
Lotion takes time to apply, and children aren’t very patient. With little kids it can be difficult to keep them standing still long enough to apply the sunscreen. Sprays and wipes are timesavers, and generally worth every penny.

3. Bring colorful accessories to make safety fun
We all know that sunblock is needed to protect our skin safe from harmful UV rays, but you’ll also need a few other accessories, especially around noon to mid afternoon when the sun is at its strongest. Wearing any extra layers may be annoying for kids as it will cause them to sweat more in the heat, but cool sunglasses and colorful hats will have your kids yearning to look cool while they’re hanging out at the pool.
4. Don’t forget your budget saver twin pops
Budget Saver Twin Pops are a great way to keep your children cool in the summer. Remember when I said always have a sweet treat on hand? These are the perfect sweet treat and great to share with a friend.

5. Be a good example for your children
Your kids might be hesitant to take that extra sip of water or slathering on another layer of sunscreen before running around in the sun, so be a role model to get them to do as you do. They might not understand why they have to put on all this protective gear, however if you put on a hat, sit under the beach umbrella and hydrate, Parents Magazine indicates that they will mimic your behavior. It’s vital that everyone works as a team for sun safety.
What plans do you have this summer with your own children?
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