How to Support Good Gut Health In Kids

I received this product for free from Moms Meet to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.

As parents, keeping our kids healthy is one of our most important jobs. Our little ones rely on us to make them feel better when they’re sick, to bandage their scrapes and scratches, and to ensure they’re getting the right vitamins and nutrients they need to grow. It’s a big job – and it’s one I’d never trade for the world. 

How to Support Good Gut Health For Kids

One facet of health that’s seen more and more focus over the last few years? Gut health. Researchers have found that promoting a healthy gut is critical to a strong immune system. And while much of the conversation around gut health seems to be focused on adults, it’s incredibly important for kids, too. 

Here are some things you can do to support good gut health in your kids:

How to Support Good Gut Health For Kids

Eat Foods that Make the Bacteria in the Gut Happy

It might sound a little weird, but you actually do want to keep those good bacteria in your kid’s gut flourishing. A great way to do that? Give your child foods that promote those good bacteria in the gut. A healthy diet with plenty of veggies, fruits, grains, legumes and nuts will keep those bacteria well-nourished and thriving. 

Give ‘Em Good Bacteria

That’s right. There are foods out there that actually contain more of the good bacteria that support a healthy gut. These probiotic foods can make a tremendous difference in the well-being of your child’s gut—and yours, too. While yogurt is probably the most popular probiotic food out there, you can also try to incorporate things like kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha.

Add Gut Connection Kids by Country Life to Your Child’s Routine

These supplements have made a surprising difference in the way my child feels each day and do a great job of promoting good gut health. They offer a few different products that promote various facets of gut health:

  • Gut Connection Kids Digestive Balance
  • Gut Connection Kids Immune Balance
  • Gut Connection Kids Sleep Balance
  • Gut Connection Kids Cognitive Balance
How to Support Good Gut Health For Kids

Recently, I had a chance to let Madison try them, and she said they were so tasty, she couldn’t even tell they were supposed to be good for you – which, in my book, is a great sign for a “healthy” product. The animal-shaped chewables are both fun and delicious, making them an easy addition to your child’s routine. 

I love the fact that they’ve found ways to target specific facets of wellness, like sleep and digestion, with the right combination of probiotics. And I love the fact that these products are backed up by plenty of research. I learned that Gut Connection Kids by Country Life is one of the first children’s formulas to contain a clinically studied Epicor® Whole Food Fermentate prebiotic, which has been shown to support immune and gut health. I also learned that they use Epicor® yeast fermentate in their products, which bolsters the immune system’s first line of defense and can provide immune system support in as little as two hours, which is, frankly, amazing. 

How to Support Good Gut Health For Kids
I received this product for free from Moms Meet to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.
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