Family Traditions To Celebrate Spring

After a few long months of cold temperatures and shorter days, many of us are quick to welcome the transition from winter to spring. As you start to notice the world becoming warmer, brighter and greener, you have a fantastic opportunity to celebrate the shift in seasons and have some fun with your family by establishing a few springtime traditions.

Celebrate the start of spring each year with your family by transforming one of these fun activities into a tradition to look forward to:


Visit a nearby park or just spread out on a blanket in the backyard and share a picnic each spring with your family. Pack sandwiches, chips, cookies, and other easy-to-eat snacks and plenty of water, or pick up a prepared meal to-go from your favorite local eatery. When you’re finished with your meal, play some easy-to-transport lawn games like ladders or bocce ball, toss a frisbee, or play some cards and enjoy the weather.


Growing your own herbs, fruits and veggies can be a great way to teach your little ones about the importance of healthy eating, and you’ll be excited to find ways to prepare your harvest each summer and fall. Make a family tradition out of planning, shopping for, and planting your annual garden. If you don’t have enough space to plant a plot outdoors, get creative – you can plant plenty of fruits and veggies in pots to grow indoors or on patios, and community gardens offer those in urban areas an excellent opportunity to dig your hands in the earth and connect with your food.


Once your weekends are consistently sunny and warm, plan a yard sale to get rid of some of the extra stuff you’ve accumulated over the last few months. Task each member of your family with finding a pile of clothes, toys, books, and other personal items to try to sell, and advertise on Facebook and Craigslist to attract as many potential shoppers as possible.


If your family loves to spend time exercising outdoors, consider celebrating the start of spring by signing everyone up for a local race. Look for a fun run or a 5k that the whole family can participate in and train together in the weeks leading up to the event. You’ll start a tradition that will encourage healthy habits year after year, which is something to appreciate.


From a hand-decorated Easter basket or wreath to tissue-paper flowers, there are plenty of crafts out there that will allow you and your family to express your creativity while celebrating the season. You can find a tutorial on Youtube to help you create just about anything you’d like to make!

As winter melts away and spring settles in, there are lots of options for fun family traditions you can begin to celebrate the warmer months to come. Consider what traditions you’d like to start with your family, and find a way to incorporate them into your springtime plans.

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