If you feel as though you’re drowning with the travel restrictions placed on international adventures, there’s good news. You don’t have to travel overseas to explore something new. Thankfully, there is always plenty to explore closer to home – no matter where you live in the world.
From reducing your carbon footprint to looking at your own country with fresh eyes, local travel is all the rage at the moment. But, if you haven’t yet hit the local travel bug head-on, here’s why you should.

You Have To Worry Less About Your Budget
Are you the kind to save all year so you can splurge on a vacation? It’s easy to spend a lot of money when traveling overseas, particularly with flights, accommodation, and conversion rates. But by choosing a domestic destination instead, you can save your money. Flight tickets on their own are a big chunk of your travel budget. And they are about to get even more expensive. So it makes sense to stay closer to home, save money, and explore your own backyard.
You Get To Support Local Tourism And Economy
Every industry right now is trying hard to rise back to its feet from a COVID-19-induced slowdown. A sure way to support the tourism industry and, in turn, your own economy is by going local. Traveling locally is getting higher preference as there are emerging trends in domestic travel too. When you find a destination, plan your itinerary around visiting local markets and stores rather than the big brands. You’ll help the economy and help businesses that have struggled to get back on their feet.
You Can Have Shorter Getaways
You can plan shorter getaways more often. A trip outside your own country can be a once-in-a-year (or once in a lifetime) deal, given the costs and planning that goes into it. Traveling in your own country is easier, and you can go more often. Say you spend $10,000 on an overseas trip once every two years – you can instead spend $1,000 and have ten trips in the same amount of time. Winning!
You’re Better Informed To Explore
Knowing the language and culture of a place can be an advantage while traveling. When traveling in your country, you know the customs and what to expect from the people in general. At the same time, you can still try out different cuisines and explore new places.
You Get More Flexibility
It is easier to get around or make a change in your itinerary when you know the local area. You can take a road trip or take public transport. You might even consider exploring in a campervan – luxury on wheels, and all you have to worry about is the fuel costs. This also eliminates the need for booking accommodation, so you have plenty of flexibility about where you want to go and how long you want to stay.
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Travelers are becoming more environmentally conscious. Recent research found that 88% of travelers are looking into sustainable travel in the future. The outcome is reducing the carbon footprint as a way of giving back to the planet as you enjoy it in all its glory. You can reduce your footprint by flying less, packing light (including reusable products, rather than single-use), and choosing the right mode of transport when you get to your destination. Even things like re-using your towels can have a huge impact on the environment.
A Lot To Learn
If you plan a trip within your own country well enough, you’ll be surprised with everything it has to offer. Choose a place you’ve never been to before. Explore the hidden gems and learn all about the history behind them. Get the stories of locals and find out first hand why that particular destination is popular – or why it should be. It’s a great way of learning more about your own country and heritage. And there’s always something new to discover.
In Conclusion
Stop sitting around dreaming about your next big overseas adventure. Instead, get out and start adventuring in your local area instead. Book a flight that’s just a few hours away, or get in the car and start driving. Whatever you do, you can be assured that the beauty of your surroundings will surprise you.