Packing Essentials for Backpacking Trips

Backpacking is a great way to see the world — it carries not only a sense of adventure, but accomplishment. It’s easy to find a hotel and go out to dinner, but backpacking requires dedication, physical fitness, proper planning, and…

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Tips for Planning Your Next Vacation with Next Vacay

I’m usually asked how do I manage to travel as much as I do, and how do I find cheap tickets? I’ve explained it before, but one of the ways I travel is by having Next Vacay send me travel…

20+ Cute RFID Passport Holders for the Female Traveler

As a frequent international traveler, a passport is one of my must-haves when traveling, and so is a passport holder. If you don’t own a passport, there are many reasons you should get one. This post may contain affiliate links.…

What to Do if Your Passport Expires

Discover essential steps to take if your passport expires, ensuring smooth travel planning and compliance with international regulations. Renewing an expired (or expiring) passport right now is a little more challenging than in the pre-COVID days and takes some planning.…

Top 7 Reasons Why You Need To Have Travel Insurance

A vacation may not be a significant investment as your home or your car. However, it still needs a lot of money. You’ll need airfare, accommodations, and excursions, which you’ll mostly pay for in advance. Also, you’re leaving behind the…

Post-Corona Travel Plans: Oh, the Uninfected Places You’ll Go…

When I first moved to a big city from a small island, the city exhausted and drained me, but I eventually got used to things. Now, as a pandemic has swept across the nation, living in a big city is…

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