Black Friday Shopping with Kids

Thanksgiving is almost here, which means that it’s time to start planning your Black Friday shopping. In years past, Black Friday shopping was reserved for early Friday mornings. Your kids were probably in bed, so your spouse stayed home watching…

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Tips for Cooking Thanksgiving Meal with your Kids

Can you believe we’re only a week away from Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is a big deal in our household and I try and include the kids in whatever activities that we have planned for that day. Whether your kids are barely…

How to Deal With a Toddler Meltdown

If you have toddlers, you know that meltdowns are going to happen. Actually they have happened quite a lot with us. You may recall that one time where Madison had that amazing meltdown in Victoria’s Secret and you might have…

Getting Your Toddler to Nap

Naptime is a cherished gift appreciated by parents around the world. That short hour or so is a quiet time parents use to catch up on housework, cooking, or any other number of tasks forgotten during those hectic waking hours.…

Encouraging Gross Motor Skills in Children

When children are growing, their gross motor skills are ever evolving. Encouraging these skills can help children with basic day to day tasks, sports activities, and general coordination. It is easy and inexpensive to encourage the development of gross motor…

Benefits of Your Child Going Barefoot

In today’s society, it’s frowned upon for children to run around barefoot. However, years ago, most children and even some adults would go barefoot, especially at home. Although you might have grown up with the notion that children should wear…

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