Lighting Ideas To Spruce Up Your Bathroom

There are many ways to remodel a bathroom, but only one way to do it correctly. Improper lighting design takes away from the visual appeal and functionality of the space. It is best to have knowledge about lighting so you…

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5 Simple Weekend Projects To Make Your Boring Living Room Instagram-Worthy

It’s not very often we have a guest poster on our site, and today it’s all about turning your boring living room into an Instagram worthy one. Today I have Katie Porter, a fellow Coloradan and an aspiring writer, movie…

All the Elements a Cozy and Green Bathroom Needs

The bathroom should be a room reserved for peace and relaxation; however, some bathrooms we just can’t wait to leave. You surely do not want to evoke this feeling in yourself or your guests, so we came up with a…

5 Simple Ways of Keeping Your Home Clean and Clutter-Free

Clean and clutter-free home is the basis for a healthy lifestyle. Creating a more practical and comfortable surrounding for you to live in will also help you feel relaxed while enjoying your organized space. It’s normal that over time we…

10 Great Ways to Increase Your Home’s Selling Value

Maintaining a home for years and even decades can often feel tedious and monotonous, especially each day in and day out. However, if you have any plans for the future in mind regarding placing your home on the market, consistent…

Top 8 Bathroom Remodel Trends

If you are building a home or just renovating your bathrooms, several trends tend to get the spotlight right now. These trends are getting bolder and more exciting than ever before, taking elements from past bathroom trends and blending them…

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