Tips to Make Back to School Less Stressful

Getting ready to send your kids back to school can be stress-inducing for even the most prepared parents. In fact, the back-to-school stress isn’t limited only to the parents, but the children can also feel it. Between dealing with hours…

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21 Things You DON’T Need to Take to College

What don’t you need to take to college? Going through my drafts, I came upon this post that I wrote back in 2017 after my daughter had been in college for a year. When I attended college, I made my…

Tips for Students: 3 Ways to Survive Your First Year at College

Whether you are fresh out of high school or a mature student looking to upskill or switch careers, going to college can be an unforgettable experience. There are new friends, new horizons, and new expenses. Getting qualified is a valuable…

Real Life: When You Just Can’t Afford College

So what happens now? You’ve spent so much time and effort in educating your school leaving child or children and the stark reality of your life has just hit you: You cannot afford college and your kid might not have…

Making Math Interesting for Kids with Math Puzzles

Math is an important subject for kids throughout their academic journey. Irrespective of what your kids choose to be, math will always be a part of their curriculum. Leave the academics; your kids will need their learnings from their math…

Getting Ready To Go Off To University: Preparation Tips

If you are getting ready to go to university, first of all, congratulations! This is an exciting time in anyone’s life. While there is a lot of hard work ahead, you are also going to have amazing memories and probably…

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