It is winter and even though the cooler weather and snow have arrived, there’s no need to hide inside. Instead of sitting around the house, head outside and start working on some winter activities that should be on your bucket list!
These cold-weather ideas are fun and there may even be a few that are out of your comfort zone. That’s a good thing though! It’s good to get out of your comfort zone occasionally so strap on those snow boots, bundle up, and start working on your winter bucket list and new things that you’d like to experience!

Go Ice Fishing
Ice fishing is a special experience and something you should do at least once in your life. That is the case even if you don’t like to go fishing during the warmer months. You can rent or purchase the supplies needed, head out to a local ice water fishing spot, and catch some fish from the icy waters. If you don’t have a local spot that you can go ice fishing at, this would be a great excuse to take a winter vacation or weekend getaway!
Take Part in the Polar Bear Plunge
Have you seen these crazy people who literally jump into the freezing water to raise money for charities? What you are seeing is probably called the Polar Bear Plunge. Taking the Polar Bear Plunge is a fun way for many to raise money and get that thrill of jumping into the freezing cold water. (Be sure to check with your healthcare provider before you take the plunge, just to be sure!)
Binge Watch a Complete TV Series
Choose at least one show that you can binge-watch during the winter. Make it a show that you’ve never seen before but looks interesting and watch the complete series. If you find that you don’t care much for the show, give it at least 5 episodes until you give up on it and look for another. Many shows might not grab your attention right away but will a few episodes into the season.
Go See a Hockey Game
Hockey is a favorite winter sport for many and the most well-known winter sport that you’ll hear about. There is nothing like attending a live sports game and hockey is full of action so it definitely won’t be boring and will have you on the edge of your seat. While you are there, take full advantage of the tasty food and drinks that you can get while watching the game.
Go Ice Skating
Ice skating is the perfect winter activity, and the outdoors gives us the opportunity to ice skate on frozen ponds, rivers, or lakes while we enjoy the beautiful outdoor scenery. If you don’t live near a lake, pond, or river, many cities offer indoor ice-skating rinks or manmade outdoor rinks that you can enjoy.
Visit a Natural Hot Springs
Imagine soaking in a warm natural spring while the weather outside is ice cold. It’s a magical experience that is not only relaxing but also has many health benefits. Of course, if you can’t visit a natural hot spring, an outdoor hot tub will also work, and you can usually find those at your local spa.
Attend a Winter Festival
If you have a local winter festival that happens each year, head out to attend and enjoy the festivities. If your area doesn’t host a special festival during the winter months, take a short trip or weekend getaway to an area that does. You’ll love seeing the new sights and experiencing the new experiences the winter festival has to offer.
Stay in a Log Cabin and Go Tech-Free
Staying in a log cabin out in the middle of nowhere and going tech-free can be good for the soul and mind. It gives you a chance to step back and enjoy life in the moment without being distracted by social media and gadgets.
This can be a great opportunity to take a couples retreat or a family retreat and will allow you to spend quality time with each other. Go on… book that cabin getaway before you forget and enjoy a few quiet nights without all the chaos!
Complete a Challenging Jigsaw Puzzle
Completing a challenging jigsaw puzzle can be fun, make you feel good, and can help keep your mind sharp. As you spend your time inside why not grab a couple of challenging puzzles that you can put together while you have downtime. You can work on the puzzle for a few hours in the evening as you relax after a long day. You can even get the kids involved with helping put the puzzle together to make it a family affair.
Just because it is cold outside doesn’t mean you have to sit inside and not do anything fun. There may be snow and cold weather outside, but this still gives you the opportunity to get out and take part in some fun, exciting, and bucket list-worthy winter activities.