Ways Kids Can Give Back During the Holidays

The holidays are a time of joy and giving so finding different ways kids can give back during the holidays is important. Teaching children to give back will also help them become better people as they get older. 

Ways Kids Can Give Back During the Holidays

When kids are young, they do not really know how hard it can be out there in the world. We protect them so that they don’t see the bad, only the good. As they get older though, you want them to know that sometimes life isn’t what we expect and that anything can happen. Therefore, helping those in need and spreading some holiday cheer is important.

Once the kids have reached the age where they can understand a little more, it is time to start showing them the many ways they can give back and help others during the holiday season. It’s also important to remind them that helping others should be done throughout the year, not just during the holiday season.

Here are some easy ways that kids can give back during the holidays.

Write Letters to Seniors

For many seniors who don’t have families or that live in the nursing home, receiving a special letter or holiday card for the holidays can bring them joy. The kids can write letters to these seniors telling them holiday jokes, wishing them a Merry Christmas, or just sending a Christmas card with a special note.

Write Letters to Those in the Military

Those who serve in the military are often sent overseas during the holiday as they protect our freedom and fight for our country. This means they don’t have the opportunity to be home with their families during the holidays. Have your child write a special letter to those in the military telling them thank you for all that they have done and continue to do. Along with the letter, the kids can send a care package of treats and goodies for the holiday. 

Start a Free Little Library for the Holidays

If you haven’t noticed those cool free little libraries that are popping up in neighborhoods, you should definitely find out more information. They are super cool, and it is something that allows the children in the neighborhood to grab a book and read. To help during the holidays, kids can donate some of their favorite holiday books to the little free libraries. If there isn’t one in your community yet, now is a great time to start one. Kids can come and go to take a book to read and bring it back or donate other books they have already read.

Donate to the Local Food Pantry.

Unfortunately, many families are finding it harder and harder to put food on the table for their families. One thing the kids can do is donate some food and canned goods to the local food pantry. These food pantries help those families in need by providing them with free food. During the holidays, they often give out extra food so they will take as many donations as they can, giving more families the opportunity to have food on the table during the holidays.

Donate Their Old Toys.

If your child has extra toys that they have outgrown or no longer play with, donating them to other children who would use them or want them can be a great way to give back during the holidays. They can even wrap the gifts and give them as presents.

Ways Kids Can Give Back During the Holidays

Get Crafty.

If your child loves to get creative and create crafts, they can donate those crafts to other families and children. For instance, if your child enjoys crocheting, they can make hats, blankets, and scarves to donate. These types of items can also be donated to homeless shelters or schools. If your child enjoys making crafts, maybe they can make some fun holiday décor to spread a little chair. 


During the holidays you’ll find that more and more people need volunteers for different activities and events that are put on. Often, these events help residents in need. Children are often welcome to volunteer to help with the festivities and events. Passing out food at shelters is just one great activity they can volunteer their time to so they can give back during the holidays.

Help the Local Animal Shelter.

Pets need help during the holidays too and one way to give back is to help at the local animal shelter. They can also make their own pet treats and donate them so that the animals have an extra special treat for the holidays.

Bake and Donate Treats to Hospital Workers.

Taking care of others doesn’t stop for the holidays which means that healthcare workers are often working more hours and spending more time away from their families. To thank these healthcare workers, bake and donate some treats and goodies to them. 

Ways Kids Can Give Back During the Holidays

Remember, it is important for kids to learn that giving back to the community and to those who aren’t as fortunate as them is important. While these ideas are focused more on the holidays, they can be used throughout the year.

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