Apartment living comes with a number of perks, especially when October rolls around and families all across America start preparing for the spooky season. In fact, celebrating Halloween in an apartment complex has a number of benefits over the traditional trick-or-treating. For starters, it’s indoors, so there are no bulky coats covering the amazing Halloween costumes. Children can stay cozy and warm, and parents don’t need to worry about their little ones’ safety.
Plus, chances are, many other parents in your apartment building like the idea of their kids going trick-or-treating a short distance and coming home early with a bag full of candy. If you live in an apartment complex, here are five tips to “creep it real” this October 31st and embrace the spookiest of seasons.

Dress up your apartment (inside and out)
Halloween is a fun-filled night, and part of the fun is dressing up your apartment and decorating it with all the creepy little details you can think of. From fake cobwebs and plastic spiders to flickering lights and spooky jack-o-lanterns, there are so many cool Halloween decor ideas that you can find online and dress up your door frame.
While you want to go all out when it comes to door decor, you should also dress up your apartment inside. Surprise the tiny trick-or-treaters by infusing your interiors with spooky season accessories, play some killer tunes (e.g. Ghostbusters or Monster Mash), and don’t forget to dress the part, too!
Advertise you have candy
Dressing up your apartment and putting on a spooky costume are great ways to get into the holiday spirit yourself and help spread the holiday vibes. But since we’re talking about apartment complexes and not actual houses, chances are, you may not be able to leave the front door lights on to let trick-or-treaters know that you’re home and that they’re welcome. And since not all tenants want to participate in the event, it’d be best to talk to your neighbors and ask those who want to join in on the fun to specify it in some way.
You can decorate the doors in a similar manner and leave a sign outside that will give the kids a clue that you’ve got candy. If you do end up with some leftover Halloween candy, feel free to use them as treats to put in a Christmas stocking, decorations for a gingerbread house, or include them in your Thanksgiving baking recipe.
Take advantage of public events to go trick-or-treating
Having your little ones go trick-or-treating in the same apartment complex you live in can be a great way to celebrate the spooky holiday. While this is quite common in places such as New York City, it’s also a good idea to take advantage of public events and have your kids go trick-or-treating there. Check out the options that are available in your area and look for places that are hosting fun Halloween festivities.
For those who will be spending this Halloween season in one of the numerous modern apartments for rent in Odessa and other Texas areas, this could mean attending annual events such as the Day of the Dead Celebration in Corpus Christi or visiting a theme park such as Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington. Chances are, there are a lot of public events that you can take your little ones trick-or-treating safely. It can be lots of fun for both children and parents, and it’ll really spruce up the holiday season.

Take your Halloween celebration outside
Another great way to celebrate Halloween in non-traditional neighborhoods is to take your spooky season celebration outside of your apartment building. A pool area, green spaces, and common areas are all great places to hide all the sweets and set up a Halloween candy hunt. This is perfect since the kids will be running off all the sweets they’ve eaten, but it’ll also add a fun flair to the spooky event.
Alternatively, you can host a costume parade for the little ones outside the apartment complex, offering prizes as a reward for the participants. The parents, children, and onlookers can admire the customers from a distance, meaning that everyone will be able to maintain social distance and stay safe during the event.
Remember to keep it safe
There’s no doubt that the ongoing global health crisis has impacted the way we celebrate the spookiest of seasons one way or another. Now that parents are more concerned for their health and the health of their little ones, they may be taking preventative measures to ensure everyone is staying safe, and they often expect the same from other parents.
To make the most of the holiday season, play it safe. If you’re welcoming trick-or-treaters at your front door, go for candy that’s sealed in individual packages. Definitely avoid baking homemade goodies, no matter how well-intended the gesture may be. Don’t forget to put out hand sanitizers. This will help maximize safety and provide a fun experience for everyone involved.

In Conclusion
Halloween is the scariest day of the year so many of us look forward to it. While it may be a bit different this year, it doesn’t make it any less enjoyable. Stick with the tips above and you’ll be well on your way to organizing a fang-tastic Halloween event that’s fun and safe for everyone.