Tiny Hamster is a Giant Monster

Everyone wants to be an internet or YouTube sensation but we can’t all be. Well one lucky Hamster takes the cake “and the city” in his new book Tiny Hamster is a Giant Monster. The book is based on YouTube sensation Tiny Hamster and is written by Joel Jensen, Joseph Matsushima and Amy Matsushima, the brains behind this cute and delightful little hamster. I have to be honest. When the company reached out to me to take a look at their book I had no idea who Tiny Hamster was. I happened to take a look at the YouTube video that was included in the email and even I was hooked. I guess I must have been living under a rock.

About the Author:  

Joel Jensen, Joseph Matsushima, and Amy Matsushima are cofounders of The Denizen Company, a social media marketing company based in California, helping major corporations gain online traffic. Eager to start their own creative projects, The Denizen Company made the first, wildly popular, Tiny Hamster video. They’ve since turned the project into an ongoing series. Tiny Hamster Is a Giant Monster is their first book.

Now lets get on with our book. I have to admit that when I first saw the cover of the book I immediately thought of Godzilla or “Hamstervilla” which might be more appropriate. The book is a series of photos that goes along with the YouTube video which we’ve included here for you to look at today.

I originally thought that they might have been drawn illustrations but these are photos that are beautifully taken to depict the story. Tiny Hamster is a Giant Monster, while it can be a picture book for very young children is a very short detailed story book. It all starts off with Tiny Hamster eating some green ooze. Are you thinking Tiny Mutant Hamster yet? I sure was when I read it.

After eating the green ooze Tiny Hamster turned into one Giant Hamster that was totally hungry. Being that big means that you can eat everything in sight and that’s exactly what he did. We loved seeing Tiny Hamster stomping through the city and eating everything in sight. Your little one can totally “read” the story to you. It’s very rare that you see lifelike photos like these in a picture book for kids. Most children books are usually beautifully drawn illustrations so this one was an exception which we loved.

Having the video to go along with the book was an added bonus we also liked. Now before you watch the video I have to say that we really enjoyed reading the book and now we are subscribers to the YouTube channel and can’t wait for the next episode to come out.

Take a look at Tiny Hamster is a Giant Monster:

I would suggest picking up your own copy of Tiny Hamster is a Giant Monster, read the book then look at the video with your little ones. You will both enjoy it! This totally gets our TWO TINY THUMBS UP!

Here are the ways to connect with Tiny Hamster:

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