Summertime Music Fun With Kids

Madison’s Mommy here with another fun parenting tip for you. The summertime is a great time to explore new things with children, and music is a great way to experiment, have fun, and get creative. When it comes to music,…

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Six Layer Lasagna – Recipe

When it comes to comfort foods Lasagna has got to be on the top of the list. I don’t usually share recipes on Saturdays but this time we have one of our favorites that we want to share with you.…

Janie and Jack: 25% off Sale for One Day Only – June 21

**This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. You know I just love sharing these awesome sales with you. Why? I love Janie and Jack! Mommy and I…

Visit the Colorado Renaissance Festival 14 June – 3 August #ad

*Disclosure: I am being provided free tickets to the fair for sharing this wonderful news with you!  I have never been to a Renaissance Festival before. Well why would I? After all I’m only a toddler but I am so…

Sweet and Sour – Summertime Smoothies Recipe

Week 3 Day 5 It’s the end of the week and the end of our smoothie treat until next Monday. I hope you were able to make a few of our smoothies in our Summertime Smoothie Recipe Marathon. Here is…

3 Questions to Ask Before Registering Your Child for VBS (Vacation Bible School)

We haven’t done much parenting tips in quite a while, but with “VBS Hopping” becoming increasingly more popular each year, I had to ask myself, “What do the parents know about the Churches they are leaving their child(ren) with?” The…

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