Why You Should Opt For An Afro Hair Transplant This New Year

When it comes to the world of hair, there is no one hair type exempt from risks of hair loss. As pressure grows regarding how we look, more and more women with the afro hair type are looking into the…

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Seven Fun Saturday Traditions To Start This Year

At the end of a long and busy week, there’s nothing better than getting to kick back, relax, and have some fun with the family. However, if you don’t have any weekend plans already made, you might find yourself scrambling…

My Secret Weapons For Fighting The Flu ~ #NaturesRemedy #QuantumHealth

There’s no hiding the fact that flu season is in full swing. Every time you shop for groceries or hug your child after they come home from school, you run the risk of spreading – or catching – germs that…

Stay at Home Mom Weight Loss Tips

Being a stay at home parent and free time are two things rarely heard in the same sentence. Between cleaning the house, taking care of the kiddies, and trying to keep some semblance of order in all that chaos, it…

Six Great Winter Travel Destinations

Winter seems to be one of the most “controversial” seasons—either people love cold weather, winter sports, and snow and can’t wait for the first snowfall or they dread winter weather and can’t wait until it’s warm and sunny again. In…

Six Things You Must Do When You’re In Paris 🇫🇷

A trip to Paris is a bucket list vacation for many world travelers, and it isn’t hard to see why. The City of Lights is home to some of the best shopping, restaurants, museums, architecture, artwork, and monuments in the…

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