Smart Tips To Save Money In 2019 ~ #NFPartner #ProudToServe

Discover effective tips to save money in 2019. Learn how to make smarter spending decisions and improve your savings accounts. As we near the end of 2018, it’s time to turn our gaze forward and start to consider the year…

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Eight Screen-Free Ways To Keep Your Kids Entertained During The Holidays

If you’re trying to figure out how to keep your kids busy during Christmas break, you aren’t alone. When the kids are out of school for days or weeks at a time, it can be tough to find ways to…

Christmas Morning Traditions For Magical Family Memories

We spend all year looking forward to the magic of the holidays, but with the hustle and bustle that surrounds the Christmas season, it can pass in a flash. Christmas Day is your last real opportunity to celebrate the holiday…

Embracing Holiday Traditions With The Fire HD 8 Kids Edition Tablet ~ #AmazonKidsandFamily

Holiday traditions mean a lot to me and my family, and we are always looking for ways to add new ones. When we’re not baking cookies together or singing along to carols using my Amazon Echo, you can find us…

Five Great Reasons To Spend Christmas At The Beach

Not looking forward to another White Christmas? Consider taking the family out of town and heading somewhere unexpected for the holidays – like the beach! While a trip to the coast isn’t exactly what comes to mind for most people…

Five Tips For Your Family’s First Disney Cruise

If your family loves all things, Disney, you may want to consider a Disney cruise for your next vacation. Boasting four fun-filled ships in their fleet, you’ll find your family whisked away on an amazing adventure as you sail across…

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