Coronavirus (COVID-19) Daily Schedule for Kids at Home

Are your kids at home due to the Coronavirus outbreak and you’re looking for a daily schedule to keep them on track. Our Coronavirus (COVID-19 Daily Schedule for Kids at Home will help put some structure into an already tumultuous…

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30+ Totally Free Educational Websites for Kids by Grade Level

Discover a curated list of totally free educational websites for kids, categorized by grade level. Ideal for parents and educators seeking online learning resources. I’ve put together a list of more than 30 FREE educational websites that will stimulate your…

Four Reasons to Go Back to School

Did you enjoy school when you were a kid? Most people don’t. Being thrown into a new, tough system that forces you to learn about things you have zero interest in is hard. You go from having important information thrown…

20+ Ideas to Stay Entertained During a Possible Coronavirus (COVID-19) Quarantine

This post may contain affiliate links. That means that I receive a small commission when you make a purchase at NO additional cost to you. For the next two weeks, my kids will be enjoying not one but two weeks…

Ride With Care On Your Super Safe Road Trip

With the threat of Coronavirus, many are skipping the airlines and are instead opting for their cars. You might feel the urge to get out there and explore immediately, and the freedom that a good road trip can offer is…

Age-Appropriate Household Chores For Your Kids

To be honest, most kids aren’t too enthusiastic about doing chores, and most parents hate nagging their children about doing them. However, as parents, we need to realize that we’re not doing our kids any favors if we just let…

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