As a parent, it’s up to you to do what you can to support your child’s learning and their literacy skills outside the classroom. It can be difficult for your kids to fulfill their potential if the only support they get comes from school. There’s so much more you can do away from the classroom that’ll help them learn more and learn faster. That’s what we’re going to talk about today, so read on to find out more.
Tell Stories to Each Other
Simply telling stories and sharing that enjoyment can be a lot of fun for both you and your child. And it really helps to stimulate their creativity and learn how to put together stories in a structured way. When they become familiar with the beats of a story and how they play out, they’ll eventually learn how to tell stories of their own.
Read Together from a Young Ages
You should make reading together a part of your routine from a young age. That way, they can get into the habit of interacting with books and stories. It all starts with you reading to them when they’re too young to read themselves. And then by the time they are old enough to read, they’ll want to take part in story time and take over the reading duties from you.
Take Opportunities to Expand Your Vocabulary
It’s always a good idea to talk more and introduce new words to your children. When they’re young and absorbing lots of new things, that’s the best time for them to learn and discover new words. This will help to develop and expand their vocabulary over time, so be sure to make the most of these opportunities. A strong vocabulary will help them in every area of their literacy.
Write Together
There are lots of things you can do to improve their literacy skills, and writing is one thing that shouldn’t be overlooked. You can focus on their handwriting by learning how to use a fountain pen or something like that. Or you can produce written stories together that get them in the habit of writing stories using the new words they’re learning in everyday life.
Encourage an Exquisite Disposition
Finally, you should do your best to bring your child up in a way that’ll result in them being more inquisitive and investigative in life. They’ll be eager to learn and improve themselves, and that’ll obviously help them when it comes to improving their literacy skills and fulfilling their general potential at school. That’s something that you shouldn’t overlook. An exquisite disposition is always a good thing to develop in your children.
If you make the most of the tips and ideas we’ve discussed above, it will only be a matter of time before your kids start to feel the benefits in terms of their reading and general literacy skills. It’s up to you to put this kind of support in place for your kids, so make the most of these options.