Are you an adventurer and love to capture memories wherever you travel? Then you are at the right place, because we will tell you how to edit those excellent travel videos you capture. Of course, everyone knows that shooting and editing videos require a lot of work. At the same time, there are plenty of video editing apps available to help you with editing. But if you know those tips and tricks that can help you create excellent travel vlogs, you will be able to make even happier memories.

Step One: Use these Top online video editors to edit your vlogs
The first step to editing a video is to choose the right app for editing. These are the best apps to work on your videos if you are a beginner.
- InVideo: If you want to create excellent content in under 10 minutes, this should be your go-to online video editor for making professional-looking videos. You can work on this from any operating system, Windows, Linux, or macOS. This editor’s specialty includes an easy-to-use editing system, the ability to add voiceover, over 4000 templates to choose from, and most importantly, 24/7 live support. InVideo offers a free plan to its users, and it has paid plans.
- Clipchamp: You can use this app to edit videos inside the browser. You can do various things such as crop, rotate, trim, and colors, transitions, and animations to your videos. Clipchamp comes with both free and paid versions.
- Movie Maker: This app provides basic background music editing, trimming, joining videos, and other complex features such as transitions, filters, etc. It is available for free, and the pro version comes for $14.99.
If you choose such beginner-friendly video editing apps, it will be a smooth process.
Step Two: Planning Your Shot
If you want to create a good travel video that will garner praise from everyone, then you need to plan your shot accordingly. If you are shooting on your mobile phone, make sure to hold it steady and then press record. If you are looking to shoot scenery, then be mindful of the lighting. Just remember, the more natural your videos look, the better they come out to be once completed. Overall, while editing, do not make it look like a heavily edited version of what you shot; otherwise, it will come out looking very artificial.
Step Three: Trim out the excess ‘fat’
No, we are not asking you to shed any weight because we love it on you! But while shooting a travel video, you must trim out the unnecessary portions that may have got included while shooting. If unwanted scenes or long shots may get boring in under a few minutes, you can add transitions and voiceover using the online video editors to make them attractive. But, before doing that, it is important to trim and crop your videos to make them look clean and proper.
Always remember that people have a brief attention span these days, so the lesser time you put on one subject in a single video, the more enjoyable your video will look.
Step Four: Tell your Travel Story through the Video
Half the work is already done if you have crossed the previous stage. Now you can begin to arrange and rearrange your videos in an order by which you will tell your story. There might be multiple videos that need joining, so we now have to rearrange the videos together post trimming the fat. Certain online video editors provide a tool to add and cut videos the way you want them. This will help you to create a fantastic travel movie of your own. You can add transitions, filters, voiceovers to make it look like a beautiful travel vlog.
Step Five: Make it Musical.
Adding music to anything makes it even more beautiful. In this step, you have to be mindful of your choice. Do not add music that will bore people and will make them sleepy. Instead, add something that goes with the story you’re trying to tell. If you’re showing scenery, then add something peaceful. If you’re showing some adventure, add something that will excite people. Music is an integral part of any video, so choose the perfect BG score. Editing apps have specific tools that allow editors to choose from a plethora of pre-downloaded music. Still, you can also download your own choice of music and add it to your videos.
Step Six: Make a cool Intro.
As we have already talked about the short attention span of viewers, we need to keep in mind that the first 10 seconds of a video capture most of the audience. Therefore, if your travel video does not look attractive to people in the first few seconds, you will lose out on viewers pretty quickly. So, think of an excellent introduction for a video or pick out the most exciting thing you saw on your journey. In this way, you can get your audience hooked on your travel vlog, and they will watch it till the end.
Step Seven: Be mindful about sound, graphics, and subtitles
This might be the most tedious step of your entire editing process. But do not worry, as several online video editors can make this process easy for you. First, you have to provide good subtitles for your videos to reach a larger audience. Many might not know the language you are speaking in, so it will be helpful for them. Be careful about not adding too many flashy graphics as they can be uncomfortable for many people. And lastly, you should add sounds that will be nice to the ears and not too loud.
Step Eight: Finishing Touches
You have almost reached the end of creating your best travel video. All you have to do is render your video for whichever platform you want to release it on. If you’re going to release it on Facebook, you can work on the resolution accordingly. And if you are releasing on Youtube, you can work on a different resolution. The more you work hard on your video, the more viewers you will get!
In Conclusion
Editing a video can look like a mighty task, but once you get the hang of it. It might require some skills and patience, but at the end of the day, when you will see the end product, you will want to do it again! So follow these steps to create the most incredible travel videos!