Looking for a way to get the kids to wash their hands EVEN MORE? Then these popsicle soap will do the trick!

While going through my computer of pictures I took last summer, I came upon these popsicle soap that Madison and I did while bored one day. It had been a hot couple of weeks and with weather like that, I tend to stay indoors. With there not being a beach nearby and the waterpark over an hour away, I much prefer to stay inside with the A/C on and relax in what is considered my oasis.
However, I have a 4-year-old named Madison who believes that if you’re at home, you should be doing something. I don’t blame her because I’ve instilled in her that it’s not ok to be lazy, no matter how much I like just lazing about. With a craft center that just keeps getting bigger and bigger, thanks to Michaels and their amazing deals, there is always something for us to do. While at Michaels, I happened to pick up some soap-making craft supplies. I had no idea what I was going to do with them since I’d never made soap before; however, my first soap project just happened to be this one that I’m sharing with you today, our popsicle soap.

DIY Popsicle Soap
Supplies Needed:
Popsicle Mold (I got mine at IKEA)
Soap Coloring which is different from food coloring
Essential Oil Fragrance
Microwavable Bowl or Measuring Cup
Rubbing Alcohol in Spray Bottle
Step 1
Cut as much of the glycerin soap that you’ll need into small chunks and place them in your microwavable bowl or measuring cup. Place in the microwave for about 30 seconds until they melt.
Step 2
Add in your color and your fragrance and pour into your popsicle mold to your desired height. Spray your alcohol to get rid of the bubbles before it sets. Let it cool before adding in your second color.
Step 3
Once your first color has cooled, place a popsicle stick in the middle holding it in place with either tape or a clothespin. Repeat Step 2 until you get the desired number of colors that you want. We went with 4 colors.
Step 4
Place in your refrigerator and let it cool overnight
Step 5
This is the most difficult step. If you used a silicone mold it should come apart easily. If you didn’t and used a plastic mold, you’re going to have to continually squeeze it until you get your popsicle completely out of the mold.

If you have kids who hate washing their hands, they’ll finally start making up reasons to start doing so. Who wouldn’t want to wash their hands with a popsicle? Remember, this isn’t edible, but it’s a whole lot of fun. You can also use other molds and make 1-color molds in any desired shape. Let your imagination go wild. Soaps are so easy to make once you have the supplies, you’ll wonder why you’ve never done them before. By the way, can you tell I’m ready for the summer and popsicles already? Who’s with me?