DIY Father’s Day Comic Book Coasters

These Father’s Day comic book coasters are perfect for that superhero dad.

Father’s Day is almost here, and if you’re like me, you’re probably wondering what to get the “father” in your life, whether it’s your own dad or husband. My own dad passed away almost 3 years ago, so this year my focus is on getting my husband something that he would love to receive.

As you know, most guys are just impossible to shop for. However, there are a few things that men do love as kids growing up, and that’s comic books. My husband actually owns an extensive collection that no one is allowed to touch, but he let me actually touch one just to get photos. Woohooo!! He had no idea what I needed it for, and he NEVER reads the blog, so he will be very surprised on Father’s Day. 

This year, instead of going into a store or even shopping online, I decided on a gift that he would love and that would also benefit me. My husband has this annoying habit of placing his drinks on my coffee table without using a coaster, no matter how many times I’ve told him to use one. Now I’m hoping that because he’s getting his own comic book coasters, he’ll not only remember but also want to use them.

I originally wanted to do a Superman print, but the one I wanted wasn’t in stock, but this really cool Marvel Retro Comic print was available at JoAnn’s, so I picked it up. As usual, I don’t like anything that will take up too much of my time, and this was so simple and easy to do that even Madison got in on it and made her own, which I shared yesterday. If you’d rather have something cool for mom as well, you’ve got to check out our Mother’s Day stamped tile coasters.

DIY Father’s Day Comic Book Coasters


Cork Coasters

Mod Podge


Marvel Retro Comic Fabric (purchased a ¼ yard at JoAnn’s)


If you happened to read my blog yesterday and saw my Shopkins Coasters, these are made in the exact same way, so you don’t need to read the directions. For those who haven’t read the Shopkins post, then these directions are for you.


Step 1: 

Place your cork coaster on your comic book coaster and cut it into the shape you need. It’s ok to cut more than you need. If you decide to use circle coasters, you will do it the exact same way.

Step 2:

Next, apply a thin layer of Mod Podge on any side of your cork coaster, be sure not to overload on the glue.

Step 3: 

Wait about 10–15 seconds, once your glue is tacky, apply your cork coaster to the back of your fabric. Press down until it sticks, then lay it to dry. I placed mine in the sun so it could dry faster.

Step 4: 

Once your glue has dried, cut off the extra fabric around the edges of your coaster. Continue your steps 1–4 until you have a matching set of coasters.

That’s it! You’ve now got your very own unique set of comic book coasters. While my husband loves both Marvel and DC comics, I decided to go with the Marvel Comic Book print. You can do Superman, Batman, or whichever print you prefer. Superman would be a hit for that super dad. Now feel free to get to crafting, and if you decide to make your own set, share your craft with us; we’d love to see it!

For more coaster fun, check out these DIY Mother’s Day Stamped Tiled Coasters, and also check out our DIY category for more fun and free projects.

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