Frosty The Snowman Door Hanger Wreath

“Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul

With a corncob pipe and a button nose

and two eyes made out of coal

Frosty the snowman is a fairytale they say

He was made of snow but the children

know how he came to life one day”

Most of you know the song and enjoy singing it around the holidays. It’s actually one that we sing when it snows as well. Are you looking for a festive way to dress up your front door this holiday season? Then look no further than this Frosty the Snowman Door Hanger. This Frosty the Snowman Door Hanger is the perfect way to add some charm to your front door or any wall space for that matter, and you can craft one easily using some basic crafting supplies. Keep reading to find out how to craft your own. It only takes minutes!

Supplies needed for this project:

Blue changer ($2 each at Michael’s Craft Store)

Orange and red craft felt or foam

Assorted black buttons

Crafting Corn Cob Pipe ($1 at Hobby Lobby)

Hot glue, glue gun ( do not substitute regular or craft glue for this project)



1. Begin by creating the eyes and mouth of your snowman. Use the assorted black buttons to create these features. Add a dab of glue to each and secure it to the charger. Place two next to each other for the eyes, and arrange the remainder into a smile for the mouth.

2. Now, create the nose of your snowman. Snip a triangle shape out of the orange foam or felt. Apply some glue and press it to the center of the charger.

3. You can now add the pipe. Apply a very generous amount of glue to the side of the pipe and press it near the mouth of the snowman. Hold in place until dry and well secured.

4. Last, add the bow tie of the snowman. We snipped out a bow tie shape from red foam and glued it to the base of the charger.

There are several ways you can prepare your charger for hanging. You can glue some ribbon or wire to the back of the charger for display purposes. Or, you can prop it up or display it on a plate holder. However you chose to display it, this Frosty the Snowman Door Hanger is the perfect way to add some fun to your space for the holiday season. Gather your supplies and give it a try!

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