Do you know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day? If not, I’m here to help you out so you can be politically correct each time one of the holidays comes around.

Every year, as a former army veteran, I get the usual, “Happy Memorial Day.” And once again on Veterans Day, I get “Happy Veterans Day.” While I understand that you mean well, these well-intended phrases actually show a misunderstanding of the meaning behind these two different holidays.
Both Memorial Day and Veterans Day are important holidays that should be celebrated, but it’s important to know the difference so you can show your support in the correct way. By understanding the meaning behind each holiday, you can take part in honoring those who have given so much to our country. Memorial Day and Veterans Day both serve as reminders of the sacrifices made by those who have fought for our freedoms. So next time Memorial Day or Veterans Day rolls around, make sure you know which one it is.
Memorial Day
Memorial Day is a day when we remember and honor those who have died fighting for our country. On this day, we usually fly the flag at half-staff until noon to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. We also visit cemeteries and place flags or flowers on the graves of our fallen heroes. Memorial Day was originally known as Decoration Day and started after the Civil War to commemorate the Union soldiers who had died. Later, it was expanded to include all service members who had died fighting for our country.
Read Also: Ways to Celebrate Memorial Day with Kids
Veterans Day
Veterans Day, on the other hand, is a day to remember and honor all those who have served in the military, whether they are still alive or have died. This day is usually filled with parades and special events to honor veterans. Many people also choose to thank a veteran in their life on this day by taking them out to lunch or dinner, or simply saying “thank you” for their service.
Read Also: Ways to Explain Veteran’s Day to Children
In Conclusion
So, the next time Memorial Day or Veterans Day comes around, make sure you know which one it is. And take a moment to remember and honor those who have given so much for our country. Memorial Day is a day to remember those who have died fighting for our freedoms, while Veterans Day is a day to honor all those who have served in the military. Memorial Day is a somber day of remembrance, while Veterans Day is a day of thanksgiving and celebration.
I hope this has helped clear up any confusion about Memorial Day and Veterans Day. As we approach Memorial Day weekend, let us all take a moment to remember the sacrifice of those who have given their lives for our country. And on Veterans Day, let us show our appreciation for all those who have served in the military.
And, as always, thank you for your support of our troops!