Signs Your Husband is Having an Affair

How do you know if your husband is cheating or having an affair? What are the signs that your husband is having an affair outside of the marriage? These are questions that I want to address, but first I’ll share…

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How to Tell Your Spouse You Want a Divorce

How do you tell your spouse you want a divorce? Everyone walks down the aisle with an idealistic view of happily ever after in mind. Unfortunately, there are situations when a happy marriage comes to an untimely end. When a…

How Can Long-Distance Couples Close the Gap?

Long-distance relationships can be really tough. Many people think they’re worth it though and can keep them up for many years before they’re ready to either be together with their partner or call it off. There are many reasons you…

Planning Every Detail of Your Wedding: The Ultimate Guide

Weddings can be stressful, but you can make the process much easier with careful planning and organization. This guide will walk you through every step of the process, from choosing your date to sending out invitations. So whether you’re just…

What To Do If You Think Your Partner Has An Alcohol Problem

Drinking alcohol is a socially acceptable form of drug-taking. Practically everyone does it without batting an eyelid, even though they might recoil in horror at the idea of someone taking hard drugs.  Because of this, it’s easy to slip into…

How to Get Over a Breakup

There’s no other way to put it: breakups are difficult to deal with, but they are also pretty common. The person with whom you had hoped to spend the rest of your life is no longer in your life. You’ve…

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