New Easter Traditions to Incorporate into Your Family

What are your fondest Easter memories from your childhood? Does your family have generations’ worth of special traditions, or are you working to create new ones with your family as you get older and perhaps have moved away from loved…

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Science-Backed Ways to Help Your Child Succeed

We all worry about our kids. However, ever since the term “helicopter parenting” was coined, along with woeful reports about how it’s crippling kids, none of us want to obsessively hover over our kids to defend them from the world…

How To Encourage Good Dental Hygiene In Kids – #GKAS

As a mother, a few of the things that I worry about are my children’s health, mind, body and soul. As mother of school aged children, I worry about their dental health even more. While I can monitor what they…

BGCA Triple Play Tips for Living a Fulfilling Life – #GreatFutures

Read on to find out how the Boys and Girls Club of America’s Triple Play program can help your children and teens live a healthy, fulfilling life! At the beginning of every year I make decisions pertaining to my kids…

How to Talk to Your Kids About Marijuana Use

Here in Colorado, teaching our kids to stay away from retail marijuana before the age of 21 is a tough task, but we as parents have to step up to the plate. We have to have the conversations we’ve been…

How to Explain Valentine’s Day to Kids

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching, and it’s not just about candy and flowers. Learn how you can explain Valentine’s Day to your kids. Valentine’s Day is a fun and simple holiday for children to celebrate, but the origins of the…

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