How to Live in Hawaii for a Month on a Budget

Who says you need lots of money to have a great time in Hawaii. We have a few tips that will help you extend your stay for an entire month, so you can truly stress-bust and take relaxing seriously! Find…

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Discover These Dog-Friendly Destinations

Are you planning your next vacation and you’re trying to discover some dog-friendly destinations? Everyone has their vacation preference! Maybe you’re a tropical paradise kinda person, sipping cocktails on a white beach with clear turquoise water gently swaying against the…

How to Spend a Day or 6hrs in Seattle

Planning on spending a day in Seattle? Or is Seattle on your list of places to visit, but you don’t have much time? Maybe you have a quick layover and want to spend some time there. Today I want to…

Best Amusement Parks Across America

There are hundreds of highly enjoyable amusement parks across America that attract millions of families every year. Now that’s a vast number of parks to choose from! But which ones are the best? Well, in order to save you time,…

The Italian Spirit in the USA: Top Places You Need to Visit

Every year, millions of Americans travel across the ocean to spend their summer vacation in different European countries. Cities like Venice, Paris, and London get the most traffic during these months. Most people wait all year just for that trip…

5 Free Things To Do in New York City

 Are you looking for a few free things to do while visiting New York City? New York City consists of five boroughs, and a few years ago I shared a list of things to do in New York City if…

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