You may have noticed that we have been missing for a while here in the internet hemisphere. We decided to take a break and have been enjoying the outdoors. I have actually enjoyed getting away from the world wide web and social media for a while with no regrets. Here are some tips/ideas/ways on how you can get your kids moving this Spring.

With the weather warming up all over the country, spring fever is hitting hard and the kiddos are going to want to get outside. Or if you have kids that are tied to their screens and you are looking for ways to help them get moving, then this list is for you. Whether your child loves to be active, creative, or needs to be introduced to the games you loved as a kid, there is bound to be something here for everyone.
1. Jumping Rope
With all the different games and tricks you can do with a jump rope, your kids can have hours of fun and get a great workout at the same time.
2. Sign Up for a Team
Find a recreation or city league team for your kid to join. If one does not exist, have them get their friends together and start their own.

3. Waterballoon Volleyball
Set up a net and then each pair of people has to launch and catch water balloons with towels. Make sure it is a warmer day because they will get wet!
4. Hopscotch
Teach your children how to use sidewalk chalk to draw a hopscotch board and then play a game with them.
5. Tag
There are many forms of tag from buddy tag, toilet tag, or reverse tag (where everyone tries to get the “it” person). A good old fashion game of tag can be highly entertaining.
6. Rollerblading
Strap on some rollerblades and take your kids through the neighborhood or around the park.
7. Train for a 5k Together
Whether you want to walk or run (or a mixture of both!) a 5k is a great distance for just about any age. As a family, train for one of the many races that will be taking place this summer.
8. Scooter Riding
Scooters are another great way to teach help your kid play or even get around! If you have an older scooter that just needs a little TLC, consider this great way to fix it up.
9. Pedometer
Buy each member of your family a pedometer and then have a challenge to see who can get the most steps each day or week. Pedometers range from fairly cheap to more expensive and complex, thus fitting any budget.
10. Buy a Pass to the Local Pool
In preparation for the summer months, buy your family a pass to the local pool. You can even sign up for swimming lessons.

11. Ice Blocking
Buy a block of ice at the store, cover it with a towel, and sit on it as you “sled” down the hill.
12. National Park
Take a family trip to a national park and do some exploring. There will be plenty of hiking and nature walks available plus the temperatures will be more agreeable now than in the coming summer months.
13. Sign Up for an Active Day Camp
Once school is out, your kids may enjoy a day camp to keep them busy. Find one that offers adventures that are age-appropriate and will keep them moving all day.
14. Take a Dance Class
If your child has shown interest in dance, sign them up for lessons. You can even let them try a couple of different styles to help them find one they love.
15. Hula Hooping
The hula hoop is an oldie but a goodie. Mastering the hula hoop and then its many available tricks will be the pride of your child’s spring and summer.
16. Make an Obstacle Course
Whether in the house or out in the backyard, let your children create an obstacle course (safely) and then time each other on who can complete it the fastest. If you don’t have the means to build one, you can always purchase an inflatable obstacle course online that can be easily assembled.
17. Frisbee
Take the frisbee out in the backyard or to the nearest park and let your kids play a great game together. If they are older, they may enjoy a game of ultimate frisbee.
18. Park Day
Designate a certain day of the week to always be “Park Day”. Your kids will look forward to the day each week when they can play any of these games and have more room to run around.
19. Bike Riding
Encourage your kids to go for bike rides and take the time to go together in the evening or on the weekend.
20. Create your Own Olympic Games
Let your kids organize “Olympic” games and then have each child perform in each game, giving points to each event and having an awards ceremony at the end.
21. Play in the Rain
Spring is known for its rainy weather so take advantage. With rainboots and grungy clothes, jumping in puddles can be serious fun.

22. Fly a Kite
Teach your child how to fly a kite and then watch them run around while the kite soars higher.
23. Build a Fort/Clubhouse in the Backyard
Give your children the necessary materials and then let them build a fort or clubhouse in the backyard that they can continue to play in as summer break begins.
24. Plant a Garden
Teach your child how to plant a flower or food garden and how to tend the garden (pulling weeds regularly, watering, etc). This will be an endeavor that will keep them outside and moving for many months.
25. Wii Games
If you let your children play video games, consider limiting it to active ones. These active games can be a great way to keep kids moving on rainy days.
With so many fun activities for your child to engage in during the warmer months, you may have trouble getting them back inside for dinner!
So tell us: What activities do you engage in with your kids when the weather warms up?