Discover why vehicle accidents peak in the spring and fall. Uncover seasonal driving challenges and tips for safer journeys. Stay informed and drive cautiously.

Car accidents can and do happen on almost every road in the country. Sometimes the weather is to blame for the vehicle collision; other times, it’s road conditions or negligent driving. Even the seasons can affect car accident rates.
Did you know that car crashes are more common in the spring and fall? So, why are car accidents more common in the spring and fall? We’ll take a look at some of the common causes.

Common Causes of Spring Driving Accidents
Sun Glare
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates around 9,000 vehicle accidents are caused by seasonal glare. While sun glare can happen any time of the year, even in the winter, the sun reflecting off of ice and snow can produce a blindingly bright glare.
Accidents caused by seasonal glare tend to be more prevalent in the spring. The reason is due to the sun’s rays. They tend to be stronger in the spring. The glare can limit visibility, increasing the chances of an accident.
Replacing your windshield wipers in the spring, cleaning vehicle windows, and wearing sunglasses can help minimize glare and improve visibility.
Driver Fatigue
Not every state observes bi-annual time changes—you know, fall back one hour and spring forward an hour. However, Texas observes daylight savings time, meaning you’re losing an hour of sleep in the spring, and even losing 60 minutes of sleep can leave you tired as your body adjusts to the time change. Sometimes, it can take a few weeks for your internal clock to adjust.
Spring is also allergy season, as trees and flowers burst into bloom. Sure, the sight might be pretty, but it can also have you reaching for allergy medication.
A common side effect of some allergy medications is drowsiness, which can leave you tired and less able to concentrate on driving. Sometimes, the side effects from allergy medications can have you falling asleep behind the wheel, and even dozing off for a second at a red light or stop sign can cause a serious accident.
Spring also means rain, and Texas residents across the state commonly brace for strong thunderstorms. The rain is welcome, especially for gardeners bracing for long, hot, dry summers, but the storms can leave the roads a mess.
Visibility is also poor in the rain—to help avoid getting into an accident, only drive when necessary during a rainstorm. If you’re on the road, go slowly and use your windshield wipers.
You may even want to turn your headlights on so other drivers know you’re also on the road, but don’t use your high beams. Not only can this blind other drivers, but it also decreases your visibility.
Potholes tend to be more prominent in the spring, and this has a lot to do with the weather. Freezing winter temperatures and spring rains can cause potholes to appear.
Go slowly over potholes and try to avoid them whenever possible, which will help protect your vehicle from damage and reduce your chances of causing an accident.
Bicyclists and Pedestrians
The warm weather brings out outdoor enthusiasts like cyclists, walkers, and joggers. Suddenly, bike lanes and crosswalks are busy with people enjoying the fresh air. The increase in outdoor activity also means your risk of accidentally hitting someone significantly increases.
Pay attention when making turns and avoid distracted driving behaviors. You want to pay attention before opening a car door; you don’t want to accidentally clip a bicyclist or pedestrian passing by. Pedestrians and cyclists also have the right of way on crosswalks. Failing to yield can result in expensive traffic citations.
Intoxicated Driving
Driving while intoxicated can happen at any time of the year, but spring is also party time for college students. Spring break is the time for students to let loose. Unfortunately, this also increases the number of reported drunk driving accidents.
Paying attention to the behavior of other drivers can help alert you if someone is driving drunk. You also want to refrain from driving, even after only a couple of drinks. Several Dallas-based bars and restaurants partner with rideshare platforms to help ensure their patrons make it safely home.
Common Causes of Fall Driving Accidents
Texas weather in the fall is similar to spring. The primary differences are that rain chances are typically lower and temperatures are a little warmer. Allergy sufferers will be reaching for their medications. Pollen levels are almost as high in the fall as they are in the spring.
Bicyclists and pedestrians are also out enjoying the weather, and the number of intoxicated drivers can also increase. After all, fall is a great time to spend some time at one of Dallas’ outdoor beer gardens. Fall also presents some unique risks to Texas drivers.
Diminished Daylight
Daylight hours are getting shorter in the fall, and this leads to a decrease in visibility. If you can’t see the road in front of you, the chances of being in an accident increase. The reduction in daylight can also lead to drowsy driving. Driving when you’re tired is dangerous for you and others on the road.
Slick Roads
Even though rainfall may be less of a problem, roads can still be slick in the fall. Falling leaves often cover Dallas roads, especially in more rural areas. The colorful leaves are gorgeous on the trees but a hazard on the roads.
If you need to stop suddenly, your vehicle can skid out of control. Avoid driving too closely behind other vehicles, and slow down before reaching stop signs and red lights.
Deer Season
Texas is a state that welcomes hunters, and fall is deer season. Fall is also deer mating season, and it’s not common to see deer running and leaping across Texas roads.
Hitting a deer can have catastrophic results. Along with severe vehicle damage, serious injuries and even fatalities can occur. So, if you’re driving through an area known for deer, go slow and always pay attention.
Contact An Attorney if You’re Injured In a Car Accident
While car accidents tend to spike in the spring and fall, the reality is that vehicle collisions can occur at any time of the year. If you find yourself injured in a car wreck, it’s crucial to contact an accident attorney.
You don’t have to navigate the legal process alone; a skilled attorney can provide the support and expertise necessary to guide you through every step, ensuring that your rights are protected and that you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries and losses.