How to Prep Your Allergy Kid for Spring

Spring has begun and it hasn’t been good to me. I have been sneezing and have been so congested that although it’s been beautiful outdoors, all I want to do is sit inside and forget that the outside exists. If you’re a parent of a child who suffers with allergies, there are probably few times that brings dread to you, like springtime. While everyone else is enjoying smelling the flowers and playing in the grass, your allergy kid is sniffling and sneezing and feeling miserable. That is, unless you know how to prevent and treat these spring allergies as much as possible.

As soon as you start to feel those first signs of Spring in the air, here are some things you can do to prep your allergy kid for Spring:

1. Visit an allergist before the spring season starts – There are a variety of things an allergist can help you and your child with. Allergy testing will help identify what allergy triggers you have which helps in prevention. You can also get prescriptions for preventative medications that you can begin giving your child a couple of weeks before the allergy season begins. Your allergist may have other tips to help you get a handle on your child’s allergies before they start to make him miserable.

2. Keep the allergens out
– If you have an allergy kid, there are some things you just can’t fully enjoy anymore, such as opening the windows to let the nice breeze in. When you do, you’re letting the allergens in as well. There are other things you can do to help prevent tracking all those ickies into the house. Have everyone take their shoes off at the door and not track allergens throughout the house. You should also have your child shower before bed to wash away all the allergens she may have picked up throughout the day. You should also use high-grade allergy filters on your air conditioner and change them frequently.

3. Avoid peak hours
– Whenever possible, keep your child indoors during the peak hours of seasonal allergies. For example, pollen counts are usually the highest between 5 and 10 am. Hot days will have more mold than cooler days, also. These are just a few ways to try to prevent major allergy symptoms, as much as possible.

4. Check the allergen forecast
– While you can’t cure the allergy symptoms, it can help with avoidance if you keep an eye on the allergy forecast. On especially strong days, you might want to keep your kid indoors as much as possible to avoid a flare up.

Now that you have these tips for prepping your allergy kid for Spring, you can sit back and relax. It won’t cure the allergies, but you can certainly be prepared when they come and you will also be giving your child the best chance at a fun spring without allergies ruining all the good times.

Let’s discuss: What do you do to help your child with allergies? 

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