Being a mother for the past 22 years of my life, I now almost can’t remember the days when I didn’t have a child. As a veteran mom, I have been through the rounds of motherhood four times and can tell you a thing or two about what you need for your newborn. However, no one tells you about the stuff you don’t need. Today, in collaboration with Luvs, I’m here to tell you about 7 things you don’t need for your baby, although you might think you do.

Having a baby can be expensive, but it really doesn’t have to be. Most parents, grandparents and friends included, really do have good intentions when they shop for a newborn. However, you can save some valuable cash that can go towards college tuition in the future if you forget about purchasing the following items.

You thought you needed it, right? Well, you couldn’t be more wrong! Sure, you need to sterilize your bottles when you first receive them, just as you should wash your baby’s clothing before putting it on, but you can do that just as easily in a pot of boiling water on your stovetop. You can also run them through your dishwasher once your baby is older. Save yourself the money and treat yourself to dinner.
They sound like a great idea, and believe me, I got suckered into purchasing them myself as well. However, neither are necessary. Usually, by the time you’ve taken your wipes out of the wipes warmer, it has become cold, which not only dries out your wipes but also leaves them all brown and yucky looking. Just warm your wipes in your hand, but then again, a cold wipe never hurt a baby. If they have, I’d like to know about it. Same with a bottle warmer. You can warm up your baby’s bottle under running water, in a pot of hot water, or even just let it stand.
I get that it’s your very first baby, but you really don’t need to deck out the nursery or buy the most expensive bedding that you can find. A glider sounds like a great idea, but once again, you don’t need it. Neither does your baby need a 5-piece crib set, especially ones that come with a bumper pad since babies have been known to get caught between them. A standard crib sheet would work.
No, you do not need to buy a dedicated and often expensive changing table. You’ll be surprised at where you may end up changing your baby’s diaper, and most often than not, it is almost never in a nursery. Instead opt for a changing mat, or even extra blankets that you can lay on a couch, bed, or even the floor. The sky’s the limit when it comes to unlimited locations for changing time.

Once again, save the money for college, or maybe purchase the designer threads when your baby can wear them more than once. Babies grow at an alarming rate, and may never be able to even wear what you buy because they generally live in a onesie unless going out to the doctor. Babies also don’t need to wear shoes. Instead, purchase some socks and put them on instead if you insist that their tiny feet be covered.
I know you’ve been tempted, but trust me, don’t do it! Not only are they expensive because of all the specialty bags that you’re going to need to buy, which will turn out to be more money than it’s worth, but to be honest, just throw your dirty diapers in a regular garbage pail and empty it often. You’re going to thank me for this tip.
You will be changing a wet or soiled diaper at least ten times a day, calculate it, and you will be going through thousands of diapers by the end of your baby’s first year. Don’t waste money buying the most expensive diapers on the market, and just because it’s expensive doesn’t mean that it works any better, it just means that it costs more. Get a brand that has been consistent throughout the years and is guaranteed to save you money such as Luvs.

I’ve always enjoyed looking at those Luv’s commercials about first-time parents because they are so relatable. Most first time parents, (including myself when I had my first child), think that they need everything under the sun; otherwise your baby won’t be happy or comfortable.
Au contraire. In reality, all your baby needs is to be held and comforted, fed, and changed when dirty. By the time you have your second child, you laugh about all the things that you thought you needed. Luvs is the official diaper of experienced parents; not only do they provide Ultra Leakguard protection, affordable prices, and a money-back guarantee, but you can pick them up at Walmart for even more savings.

On 8/26, get your P&G brandSAVER coupon in the Sunday paper good for $2 off two bags or one box of Luvs diapers, then head to Walmart and buy Luvs.