Sometimes you just need to relax and enjoy a warm, delicious treat, perfect sized for 1. How Perfect is That?

As a mother of 4 my days can get pretty busy and having a busy schedule isn’t that abnormal these days. From the fast paced work at home life to the parenting responsibilities placed upon our shoulders, it’s no wonder few of us have succeeded in fitting relaxation into our schedule. We often put our needs last on the totem pole, but it’s time to change that. There are easy ways you can fit relaxation into the busiest of schedules and I am going to show you how. I’m also going to be admitting that I’m also the mother who doesn’t like sharing her dessert, and these Perfect Sized for 1 treats by Duncan Hines, are so delicious that you won’t want to share either.

Evaluate your Schedule
Take a moment to review where you are spending your time. We all have time wasters in our busy schedule. These can be times when we binge watch a show on Netflix or get lost scrolling Facebook. Figure out where you waste time in your schedule and trade those times with some relaxation time.
Just Say No
We often say yes more often than we should. Whether you are always saying yes to a friend or helping a family member more often than you should, learn to say no. Now that you have evaluated your schedule to get rid of time wasters, you need to start being committed to just saying no. It’s okay to turn down anything that will take away from your relaxation time.
Force Break Times
Many work at home professionals neglect to take a regular break time during their work day. Even the average employee has two 15 minute break and a 20-30 minute lunch break in their 8 plus hour work day. Force yourself to take breaks during the day. You can use the two 15 minute breaks for some yoga or meditation. The half hour break could be for a brisk walk.
Focus on Breathing
If you can’t take a full break every day, perhaps start focusing on your breathing. A few moments of deep breathing in between tasks can do wonders to relax you. Learn some breathing techniques that people use to calm anxiety, stress and in turn feel more at ease in life. This is a simple relaxation technique any busy person can fit in!
Embrace the Adult Nap
This is perfect for work at home professionals, start taking an adult nap. There’s nothing wrong with replacing a break time with a nap. Evaluate your schedule and switch it up in a way that allows you to detach completely from work and electronics to nap for an hour or two. Getting enough sleep helps your mind and body feel more relaxed on a regular basis.
Enjoy a Perfect Sized for 1 Treat by Duncan Hines
Who can say no to a delicious treat, or maybe I should be asking, who can say no to a delicious treat sized for 1? When I mentioned that I hated sharing my dessert, I wasn’t joking and these are not meant to be shared! Well you can share them, but you wouldn’t want to. With 18 varieties to choose from, you may have a difficult time choosing your favorite. Mine is the Cinnamon Coffeecake! All you need is a mug, some water and a minute, and you can customize it however you want. I particularly like mine topped with whipped cream and blueberries. They are absolutely DELICIOUS! What I especially love about these Perfect Sized for 1 treats, is that there is no mess to clean up. I don’t have to get a big bowl and start mixing ingredients, so nothing to clean. No mess and definitely no left-overs! How perfect is that?
So take some time out and fit some relaxation into your very busy schedule and enjoy a Perfect Sized for 1 delicious treat.
Have you tried the Perfect Sized for 1 treats by Duncan Hines?