If you’re like most parents, you want your kids to be safe when they travel. But it can be tough to know exactly what to tell them. That’s why we’ve put together a list of travel safety tips for kids. Whether your child is venturing out on their own or going on a family vacation, these tips will help keep them safe and prepared.

When it comes to travel safety, there are a lot of things parents need to teach their kids. But one of the most important things is how to spot danger and stay safe while on vacation. Before you go on vacation, sit down with your kids and review your travel safety plan. Make sure everyone knows what to do in case of an emergency, such as who to call and where to meet up. Reviewing your travel safety plan before you go will help ensure that everyone knows what to do if something happens.
So read on and learn how to protect your little ones while they’re on the go!
1. Teach Your Kids Their Full Name, Address, And Phone Number.
This travel safety tip is important in case they get lost and need to be found by the police or other authorities. They should also know how to dial 911 in case of an emergency. Show your kids how to use a payphone or their cell phone to call for help in an emergency situation. In case of an emergency, make sure your kids know who to call and what to do. Write down a list of important phone numbers, including the Embassy, and make sure they know how to use it.
2. Have A Plan For If You Get Separated.
If you’re traveling with young children, it’s important to have a plan for if you get separated. Write down each other’s cellphone numbers, agree on a meeting place, and make sure your kids know what to do if they can’t find you.
3. Teach Your Kids How To Read A Map.
This will help them orient themselves in unfamiliar surroundings and know how to get back to the hotel or your rental car if they get lost. In addition to maps, compasses can be helpful in orienting kids to their surroundings.
4. Teach Your Kids To Always Stay With A Group.
This will help them stay safe and avoid getting lost in unfamiliar places. If they need to go somewhere alone, make sure they know to ask a security guard or police officer for help. When traveling with young children, it’s important to stay together as much as possible. Holding hands can help prevent them from getting lost in a crowd.
5. Teach Your Kids About “Stranger Danger” Signs.
It’s important for kids to understand that not all strangers are bad, but they should be cautious around people they don’t know. If a stranger approaches them, they should say no and find a grown-up to help them. This also means teaching them to look for signs that someone might be trying to hurt them, like a person who is asking them to keep a secret or a person who tries to touch them in a private area. If they see any of these signs, they should tell a grown-up right away.
6. Teach Your Kids Not To Accept Rides From Strangers.
This is one of the most important travel safety tips for kids. If someone offers them a ride, they should say no and find a grown-up to help them.
7. Teach Your Kids To Be Aware Of Their Surroundings.
This includes teaching them to look both ways before crossing the street and being aware of who is around them at all times. If they see something or someone that makes them feel unsafe, they should tell a grown-up right away.
8. Teach Your Kids Not To Take Candy From Strangers.
This can be tempting for kids, but it’s important to teach them that accepting candy from someone they don’t know can be dangerous.
9. Teach Your Kids Not To Go Anywhere With A Stranger.
Even if the stranger says they know you or your family, it’s important for kids to know that they should never go anywhere with someone they don’t know. If a stranger tries to take them somewhere, they should scream and run away.
10. Teach Your Kids What To Do If They’re Being Followed.
This is an important safety tip for kids, especially if you’re traveling to a big city. Go over what to do if someone is following them. If they think they’re being followed, they should cross the street and go to a safe place, like a store, public place, or police station, and ask for help. They should also tell a grown-up right away.
11. Teach Your Kids To Scream If Someone Tries To Grab Them.
This travel safety tip for kids could save their life. If someone tries to grab them, they should scream as loud as they can and find a grown-up to help them.
12. Teach Your Kids About “Good Touch” And “Bad Touch”.
This means teaching them that there are certain types of physical contact that are appropriate (like a hug from a family member) and others that are not (like being touched by a stranger in a private area).
13. Teach Your Kids How To Swim.
This travel safety tip is important because it could save their lives if they fall into the water. Teach them about water safety. If they don’t know how to swim, make sure they always stay within arm’s reach of an adult who can help them. If you’re going to be spending time at the beach or pool on vacation, review basic safety rules with your kids, such as never swimming alone and not going into the water if they’re not feeling well.
14. Teach Your Kids To Never Go Off With Someone They Don’t Know.
This travel safety tip for kids is important because it can help them avoid being abducted by a stranger. If someone tries to take them somewhere, they should scream and find a grown-up to help them. Again, this is especially important in busy tourist areas. Teach your kids to say no if a stranger asks them to come with them or do something they’re not comfortable with. If possible, have a code word that they can use to let you know they’re in danger and need help.
15. Teach Your Kids How To Handle Money Safely.
This includes teaching them not to flash their money around in public and be aware of pickpockets. If they’re carrying a wallet, they should keep it in a front pocket where it’s more difficult for someone to steal it.
16. Teach Your Kids About Hotel Safety.
This travel safety tip is important if you’re staying in a hotel on your vacation. Show them how to use the deadbolt and the chain lock on the door. They should also know not to open the door for anyone they don’t know. If someone comes to the door, they should find a grown-up to help them.
17. Teach Your Kids Not To Play In Traffic.
This travel safety tip for kids is important because it can help them avoid being hit by a car. They should always stay on the sidewalk and look both ways before crossing the street.
18. Teach Your Kids Not To Open The Door To Strangers.
This travel safety tip for kids is important because it can help them avoid being kidnapped or hurt by someone who comes into the house without permission. If someone comes to the door, they should find a grown-up to help them.
19. Discuss What To Do If They’re Ever In An Accident.
This is an important travel safety tip for kids, as no one ever expects to be in an accident while on vacation. However, it’s important to go over what to do if it does happen, such as staying calm and calling for help. Review basic first-aid procedures, such as applying pressure to a wound, and make sure they know how to use the first-aid kit.
20. Discuss What To Do If There’s An Earthquake Or Other Natural Disaster.
This is important for travel safety, especially if you’re traveling to a place that is known for earthquakes or other natural disasters. Go over what to do in case of an emergency, such as finding a safe place to shelter and staying away from windows.
21. Discuss What To Do If They Feel Sick Or Hurt.
This travel safety tip for kids is important because it can help them know what to do if they feel sick or hurt while away from home. Show them where the first-aid kit is kept and how to use it, and teach them what to do if they need to see a doctor.
22. Review Basic Road Safety Rules.
If you’re going to be driving on vacation, review basic safety rules with your kids, such as always wearing a seatbelt and never getting in a car with a driver who has been drinking.
23. Avoid Dangerous Animals.
This travel safety tip for kids is important because it can help them avoid being hurt by an animal. If they see an animal, they should stay away from it and tell a grown-up. Teach your kids to stay away from animals they don’t know, even if they seem friendly.
In Conclusion
While it is impossible to prevent every possible accident or danger while traveling, arming your children with the proper information and tools can help minimize risks. We hope that you have found these tips helpful in preparing your family for a safe and enjoyable trip.