Are you planning a vacation with your pet? Do you know the regulations you might be facing? Each country has its own set of laws when it comes to animals. However, this shouldn’t stop you from enjoying a wonderful time with your furry companion.
When including your pet in your travel arrangement, there are so many things to worry about, like choosing a pet-friendly hotel, packing the right equipment, meeting the law criteria, and of course, taking the right food for cats and dogs.
Now, let’s go through a checklist of things to keep in mind before hitting the road.

Get a Comfortable Travel crate
Many pet parents are tempted to have their dog with them in the car, which is not a bad idea. However, pets are used to having their own space, and if they are crate-trained, why choose anything else.
If you find them a comfortable crate, it will be their safe haven, an area of security. Many experts recommend getting a durable crate and installing it in the backseat of your car or buying an SUV crate. This will mostly depend on the type of car you drive.
Give Them One Toy
If you could choose only one toy, get something that will keep your pet occupied and busy as long as possible. For example, you could buy puzzle dog toys.
Your pet will be focused on reaching the treat inside the toy; therefore, it will be more challenging for him to focus on something else. These types of toys also minimize the level of stress and make pet travel more comfortable.
Don’t Place Toys Into The Crate
Pet owners believe it’s a good idea to give their pets a lot of toys. But long trips and toys don’t usually get along. Packing their crate with toys will occupy the little room they have for themselves.
If the crate is too full, they won’t be able to move, which means they won’t feel comfortable enough. So, in this case, the less is more.
Prepare The Paperwork
Long trips with your four-legged friend won’t get you very far without the necessary paperwork, especially when traveling abroad. For example, many states require an up-to-date health certificate, along with a vaccination sheet.
Contact the airline to see whether they require additional paperwork when transporting your animal if you are flying.
Don’t Feed Your Pet On Travel Days
Regardless of how good you want your pet to feel, they will be anxious and prone to diarrhea. This is probably one of the last things you want to deal with when traveling; after all, who has time for cleaning and bathing, especially when you are in the middle of nowhere.
You can get probiotics for cats or dogs to calm their upset tummy.
Even if you don’t notice the signs of anxiety, motion sickness can quickly upset your pet’s stomach. That’s why it’s important to feed your dog as little food as possible before traveling. Don’t forget about probiotics.
On the other hand, if you know your pet has a sensitive stomach, avoid food altogether until you reach your destination. One or two skipped meals won’t be the end of the world.
Microchip Your Pet
You never know where the road will take you or where your furry companion will end up. Being in a remote location is the worst place to lose your pet. Therefore, before taking a vacation, schedule an appointment with your vet to microchip your cat or dog.
This chip is implanted under your pet’s skin, and it’s a pretty painless procedure. But it will save you a lot of time, especially if your furry companion gets lost. The chip contains your contact information.
Don’t Forget About Water
While food is a bit tricky, water is a necessity. Your pet needs to have access to the water; otherwise, he will get easily dehydrated. Make sure to pack extra water for your furry companion.
Maybe you can allow your four-legged friend to self-regulate the water intake by attaching the bowl inside of the crate. If that’s not an option, frequently stop so they can drink water.
Also, you can feed them with wet food. This will keep them hydrated as well.
Always Keep Your Pet With You
While this should be common sense for most pet parents, it’s important not to leave your pets alone, especially in a car. When the temperature is high during the summer months, your pet might suffer a shock or even die.
Therefore, do not leave them in a locked car. It doesn’t matter if your window is slightly open or if you plan to return in a couple of minutes. Your pet should never be left alone in a vehicle.
These are only the basic things you need to consider when taking your pet with you. Keep in mind that planning is key. And now that you know what to do, it’s time to go on an exciting adventure with your best buddy.